


Working Experience 


  1. Vice Dean, Students Affairs, King Fahd University Of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran.

  2. General Secretary, and founder, Saudi Marketing Association, 2001

  3. September 2001 to 13 May 2002 Marketing and Sales Director, Kingdom Dates Company, Riyadh.

  4. May 14 2002 till 1 October 2003 General Manager, Kingdom dates Company, Riyadh

  5. International Marketing Manager, TIHAMA Advertising, Marketing and Public Relation Company, Jeddah, May 1990 till August 1991

  6. Worked in different occasions with Tihama Almona International, Jeddah,  1991

  7. Researcher, Hajj Research Center, Um AlQura University, Makkah, Jan-May 1990.  

  1. Consultant, Institute of Arabic Development, 2000 till now 

  1. Consultant Institute of Health Development, 2000 till now


Professional Experience


NB: During my tenure at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), from 1991, I have been seconded to various private sector organizations.



Dec 2006 to present

Riyadh Philanthropic Society for Science


Secretary General for Prince Salman Scholarship Program


Jan 2006-Present

Prince Sultan University, Riyadh (seconded)


Advisor to the Rector and holder of the following positions:

·    Head of Community Service & Continuing Education Center

·        Head of Student Affairs

·        Director of Marketing plus Public & International Relations

·        Member of Prince Sultan University Board

·        Editor-in-Chief of Taif Aljamah (Arabic-language newsletter)


Jan 2006 to present

Arab Institute for Development & English First School, Riyadh



July 2004 to Jan 2006

King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran


Director of Public Relations & Information and holder of the following positions:

·        Editor-in-Chief, Al-Jamaa (Arabic-language Newspaper)

·        Editor-in-Chief, Future (English-language Newspaper)

·        Chairman, Publications Review Committee


Jan 2003-Jan 2005



Vice-Dean of Student Affairs

·        Supervising student accommodation (for 5000 students)

·        Supervising 17 student clubs

·        Deputy-Director of student funds (20M Saudi Riyals)


Sept 2001-Oct 2002

Kingdom Dates Company, Riyadh


General Manager (May 2002 - Oct 2002)

Marketing and Sales Director (Sept 2001 – May 2002)


1996-Sept 2001

KFUPM, Dhahran


Assistant Professor of Marketing


May 1991-Aug 1992

KFUPM, Dhahran


Lecturer in Marketing


May 1990-Aug 1991

TIHAMA Advertising (Marketing & PR company), Jeddah


International Marketing Manager

Jan 1990 – May 1990

Researcher, Hajj Research Center, Um AlQura University, Makkah