

Published Research Papers

1.         “New perspective to Marketing Mix Program Standardization”, International Business Review, Vol. 17 No. 4, 1998. (with Professor Paul Michell)

2.         Saudi Agents of UK Companies: A case study in marketing coordination, Saudi Commerce & Economic Review, June 1997, No. 38.

3.         Internet Marketing, How can Saudi Companies get benefit of the Internet, Saudi Commerce & Economic Review. October, 1997 No. 42

4.         Saudi Consumer Attitude Towards advertising, Saudi Commerce & Economic review, May 1998 No. 49.


Funded Research

1.      Contract Logistics Study, SABIC, 2003

2.      Antecedents and consequences of consumer satisfaction with online shopping: An investigation in Saudi Arabia. KFUPM, 2003


Conference Paper:

Saudi consumer attitude towards advertising: Conference on administrative sciences: New Horizon and Roles in Development, March 16-18 – 1998, College of Industrial Management. King Fahd University Of Petroleum and Minerals. Saudi Arabia


Working Paper


The force shaping marketing program standardization in the Gulf. Working paper, Manchester Business Scholl, No. 336 March 1996



International Marketing Strategies of UK Multinational Companies in the Gulf Countries: The Realties of patterned Standardization. Research newsletter, MBS, No. 18 July 1994.

Marketing Standardization: Modelling The Driving Forces, Research newsletter, MBS, No. 19  December 1994