Dr. Shafique Khan
Yilbas, B. S., Shuja, S. Z. and Khan, S. M. A., "Laser repetitive pulse heating of tool surface" Optics Laser Tech., vol. 43, pp. 754-761, 2011.
Laser heating of a cemented carbide tool is considered and the temperature field as well as phase changes in the heated region is modeled. Temperature rise, liquid layer thickness, and mushy size are predicted numerically. A control volume approach is introduced to solve the governing equations of heat transfer and phase change. Consecutive pulses with the duty cycle of 60% are accommodated in the simulations in line with the experimental conditions. An experiment is carried out to treat the cemented carbide tool surfaces using the CO2 laser delivering consecutive pulses. The treated surfaces and their cross-sections are examined using the scanning electron microscope (SEM). It is found that the temperature gradient is high along the laser beam axis resulting in cracks at their radiated surface. The rapid solidification of the surface causes compact structures with very fine grains in the surface region of the laser irradiated spot.