Dr. Shafique Khan
Khan, S. M. A., and Khraisheh, M. K., "The Anisotropic R-criterion for Crack Initiation", Eng. Fracture Mech., vol. 75, pp. 4257-4278, 2008.
The anisotropic nature of mixed mode I-II crack tip plastic core region and crack initiation is investigated in this study using an angled crack plate problem under various loading conditions. Hill’s anisotropic yield criterion along with singular elastic stress field at the crack tip is employed to obtain the non-dimensional variable-radius crack tip plastic core region. In addition, the R-criterion for crack initiation proposed by the authors for isotropic materials is also extended to include anisotropy. The effect of Hill’s anisotropic constants on the shape and size of the crack tip plastic core region and crack initiation angle is presented for both plane stress and plane strain conditions at the crack tip. The study shows a significant effect of anisotropy on the crack tip core region and crack initiation angle and calls for further development of anisotropic crack initiation theory.