Multiple Choice Questions on

Coating Failures

Questions 6 - 10

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Cracking occurs as the coating ages, as it is subjected to expansion and contracting.  It is a serious defect, however, it can be minimized by

[  ]

using a reinforcing pigment

[  ]

using cathodically protective pigments

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using a proper additive

[  ]

using an appropriate extender


Runs and sags belong to a well-known class of failure known as

[  ]

formulation-related failures

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design-related failures

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application-related failures

  [ ] None of the above


Which one of the following factor would cause blistering?

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Fast evaporating solvent

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Insoluble pigment

  [  ]

Slow curing

  [  ] Improper shop primer


To which category the pinhole defect belongs?

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  [  ] Adhesion-related


If a coating fails by blistering and occurs all over the surface, the best remedy is to

[  ]

remove the entire coating and apply a new coat

[  ]

select a proper vehicle/pigment ratio

[  ]

apply a new coat and re-prepare the surface before application

[  ]

apply a new coat only at the damaged areas