Mechanical Engineering

                           King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

People: Faculty



Mr. Irfan S. Hussaini


Mechanical Engineering Department

King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals


* Education * Courses Taught * Areas of Research * Research Projects
* Academic Projects * Publications * Software Development * Contact
* Guestbook


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M. S. (Thermofluid Sciences), King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran, 1997

B. E. (Mechanical Engineering), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 1994.

Other Certificate Courses

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Courses Taught (Labs)

    ME 206 Manufacturing Processes I
ME 215 Materials Science for Mechanical Engineers
ME 316 Thermo-fluids Laboratory 
ME 430 Air Conditioning
ME 431 Refrigeration
ME 438 Pumping Machinery
ME 486 Optimization of Mechanical Systems


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Areas of Research:

Fluid flow, heat transfer, heat exchangers, computational fluid dynamics, energy systems, engineering software development


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Participation in Research Projects:


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Participation in Academic Projects

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S.Z. Shuja, B.S. Yilbas, M.O. Budair and I. Hussaini, "Entropy analysis of a flow past a heat generated bluff body," International Journal of Energy Research, v23, n13, 1999, p1133-1142.

Y. Khulief, H. Shabaik and I. Hussaini, “Modelling and simulation of leaks in pipelines,” 2001 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, July 4-8, 2001, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

H. Shabaik, Y. A. Khulief and I. Hussaini, “A non-linear multiple-model state estimation scheme for pipeline leak detection and isolation,” Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part I, Vol. 216, no. 6, December 2002.

H. Shabaik, Y. A. Khulief and I. Hussaini, “Simulation of transient flow in pipelines for computer-based operations monitoring,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 44, pp: 257 – 275 (2004).

M.A. Habib, H.M. Badr, S.A.M. Said and I. Hussaini, “On the development of deadleg criterion,” accepted for publication by Journal of Fluids Engineering (to appear in Jan 2005, Vol. 127, no. 1).

M.A. Habib, H.M. Badr, S.A.M. Said, I. Hussaini and J.J. Al-Bagawi, “Effect of geometry on flow field and oil/water separation in vertical deadlegs,” International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow (accepted for publication).

M.A. Habib, H.M. Badr, S.A.M. Said, E. Mokheimer, I. Hussaini and M. Al-Sanaa, “Characteristics of flow field and water concentration in a horizontal deadleg,” Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (accepted for publication).


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HXWindows (by I. Hussaini, L.C. Thomas and T. Ayinde): 

A shell-and-tube heat exchanger analysis software based on a numerical method of solution. Unique capabilities: rating and testing options, numerical/analytical methods of solution, variable properties, any number of tube passes, non-uniform plugged tubes, uncertainty analysis, flow mal-distribution, non-uniform fouling, Kern/Bell-Delaware/Stream Analysis methods for shell side.           [screenshot]

Chemical Engineering Virtual Lab (by S. Rahman, N. Tukur and I. Hussaini): 

Developed under Deanship of Academic Development Grant, the software provides a student with a tool for learning the basic concepts of Chemical Engineering covered in a junior level laboratory work. Topics covered include Material and Energy Balance, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, Unit Operation, Process Control, Reaction Kinetics, etc.  [online info]         [screenshot]

TS Diagram for Steam (by I. Hussaini): 

This software is meant to be an interactive graphical tool for understanding the T-s diagram for common fluids. Currently, the program is limited to 'Steam'. Empirical equations reported in the literature are used to estimate the thermodynamic properties at various temperatures and pressures. Download (50 kb, Win2k/WinXP).            [screenshot]


Units Converter (by I. Hussaini): 

Convert numbers effortlessly from one system of units to another. Categories include units such as length, mass, time, angle, force, energy, pressure, flow rates, corrosion rate, number formats, and dozens of other categories. A must for students of mechanical engineering. Download (215 kb, Win2k/WinXP).      [screenshot]


Boiler Tube Analysis Program (in progress):

The program analyses the flow in a natural circulation boiler. Parameters such as flow rate, steam quality, void fraction and so on are calculated on an elemental basis along the length of the tubes. The program will be used to identify locations in the boiler prone to tube-burnout and help in eliminating such problems.           [screenshot]


Other miscellaneous software

Encrypted Personal Diary 33 kB [screenshot]

World Times 11 Mb [screenshot]

Periodic Table 250 kb [screenshot]


Azaan Player 5 Mb [screenshot]

Qur'an Reciter (english translation, search, hadiths, etc. but no audio) 13 Mb (needs WinRAR) [screenshot] 


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phone.gif (389 bytes) Tel: 966-3-860 4967 (Office)
fax.jpg (2610 bytes) Fax: 966-3-860 2949 (ME Department)
mail.gif (4196 bytes) KFUPM Box # 1166, Dhahran - 31261, Saudi Arabia


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