for the KFUPM Library use and Services

The Library Affairs Committee at KFUPM would like to evaluate the library services and to get a first hand feedback from the users. It will be highly appreciated if you spare a few minutes to answer the questions below. This will help in improving the services rendered to you by the KFUPM Library. Please check the appropriate answer. 


Please indicate your status:

Faculty     Staff      Graduate Student      Undergraduate    Other


On the average, how many times you visit the library per month?

More than 8 times      4 – 8 times        1 – 3 times      Not at all


I usually go to the library for the following reasons:

To search references   To check out books    To use the CD-ROM databases
To read for pleasure    For searching OPAC    For other services


Rate the following holdings: (E=>Excellent, VG=>Very Good, G=>Good, F=>Fair, P=>Poor)



Journals and proceedings

Reference materials

Non-print materials (microfiche, microfilms)

Full text CD-ROM databases

Bibliographic CD-ROM databases

Reading material (magazines, newspapers etc.)


As far as library services are concerned, please rate the following: (E=>Excellent, VG=>Very Good, G=>Good, F=>Fair, P=>Poor)

Working days 

Opening hours

Friday and holiday hours

The number of seats in the reading areas

The number of forms to fill for various services

Catalogue updates

The possibility of consulting other libraries’ catalogues

The assistance of library staff

The possibility of consulting historical material

Book borrowing duration

The interlibrary loan service

Shelving of books, periodicals, etc.

Library internal environment (air, lighting, etc.)


As far as library and archival services are concerned, please rate the followings: (E=>Excellent, VG=>Very Good, G=>Good, F=>Fair, P=>Poor)
E   VG G   F   P  

Access to the internet within the building

Availability of on-line assistance

On-line finding aids or specialized catalogues

Saving one’s own work in digital form

Accessing an on-line archive enriched by indexes and a visual representation of the documents

Accessing both archival and bibliographic references

Remote printing of electronic data

Remote loan service

Querying databases through the Web

7. Approximately how many times have you used the CD ROM facility during the last year?
More than 8 times     5 – 8 times     3 – 4 times     1 – 2 times      Not at all
8. Indicate your feelings as the use of the CD ROM facility:
Very satisfied      Satisfied      Somewhat satisfied      Dissatisfied
I do not use the CD ROM system
9. How would you rate the overall library services?
Excellent      Very Good      Good      Fair      Poor
10. If you have any other comments, please write them below: