International and National Projects completed


Funded KACST Project

§    Erosion-Corrosion of Al-SiC Metal Matrix Composite, Principal Investi-gator (KACST, AR-14-65) (1994-1998).

§    Effect of Intermetallic Compounds on the Corrosion Mechanism of Al-Metal Matrix Composites (MSS-313), Principal Investigator (1999-2001). 

SABIC Project 

Corrosion Behavior of Copper Beryllium Alloys for Hot Salt Water Applications.  In progress, Principal Investigator (1999-2001).


                                 International Projects


§        The Effect of Flow Induced Corrosion on the Corrosion Resistance of Cu-Ni Alloys and Steel in Seawater Containing Suspended Solid Particles (Approved by KACST and the Ministry of Science & Technology, Germany)(1982-84). 

§        Aluminum Alloy Development Project with Aluminum Metals, Ranshofen, Austria (1985-1988). 

§        Pilot-Plant Testing of Aluminum Alloys for  Desalination Application with G. K. S. S., Geesthacht, Germany (1982-85). 

§        Development of a Modified Aluminum Bronze as a Tube Material for Heat Exchangers (in cooperation with Metallgessellschaft, A.G., Frankfurt, Germany) 1974-1976. 

§        Long Term Testing of Steel and Aluminum Alloys in Arabian Gulf Water (A Joint-Project approved by KFUPM and the Ministry of Technology, Austria, 1980-1984. 

§        Kinetics of High Temperature High Pressure Oxidation and Reduction of Hydrogen and Oxygen in Steel Surfaces.  (Investigators  D. McDonald, Z. Ahmad, and S.Lvov) January 1995-February 1996.  Completed.  Penn State University, Center for Advanced Materials, University Park, Penn, USA..

§        Developing a centre for sensors (Ohio State University, U.S.A.).