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Copyright (C) 2010-2018.
Slim Belhaiza.
د.سليم بالحائزة
am expert in Mathematics of Operations Research. My research interests include
the development of algorithms for Game theory and
Vehicle Routing. I have published my research in many
high impact journals like Journal of Optimization Theory
and Applications, Automatica, Computers & Operations
Research, IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid and IEEE
Systems Journal. I
also serve as a reviewer for many top journals like
Automatica, Artificial Intelligence and Journal of the Operations
Research Society. I am also a reviewer for the American
Mathematical Society.
I obtained a Ph.D. degree in mathematics for engineers from the École Polytechnique de Montréal. I have also obtained a M.Sc. degree in Operations Research from HEC Montréal.
I also worked as a Research Analyst and Algorithm Designer for ClearDestination-Canada, and Associate Professor & Program Director for the South Mediterranean University.
Graduate Courses
Math 592-Special Topics in Math: Game Theory & Applications.
Undergraduate Courses
Math 480-Linear and Non-Linear Programming.
Stat 361-Operations Research I.
Math 208-Differential Equations & Linear Algebra.
Math 202-Elements of Differential Equations.
Math 101-Calculus I , Math 102-Calculus II,, Math 201-Calculus III.
Software Documentation
The XGame Solver Software: Equilibria Enumeration and Refinement in Game Theory, GERAD-Group for Research in Decision Analysis, Montreal, 2010, pp. 1-21. G2010-35-Manual/Handbook.
Published Research Papers:
14. Variable Neighborhood Search for Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Time Windows, with Ferreira HS, Bogue ET, Noronha TF, and Prins C. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 66, 207-214, 2018.
13. A Game Theoretic Approach for the Real-Life Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Time Windows. IEEE Systems Journal, 12,2,1251-1262, 2018.
12. On the Performance of Managers and Controllers: A Polymatrix Game Approach for the Manager–Controller–Board of Directors’ Conflict, with Charrad S. and M’Hallah R., Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 177, 2, 584-602, 2018.
11. A data driven hybrid heuristic for the dial-a-ride problem with time windows, IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 1-8, 2017.
10. A New Hybrid Genetic Variable Neighborhood Search for the Vehicle Routing Problems with Multiple Time Windows, with M’Hallah R. and Ben Brahim G., Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 1319-1326, 2017.
9. A Pareto Non-Dominated Solution Approach for the Vehicle
Routing Problems with Multiple Time Windows, with M’Hallah
R. Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Computational
Intelligence, 3515-3524, 2016.
8. A Game Theoretic Model for Smart Grids Demand Management,
with O. Baroudi. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 6,3,
1386-1393, 2015.
7. On Perfect Nash Equilibria of Polymatrix Games. Published in Game Theory, 11 pages, 2014. PDF
6. A Note on Bimatrix Game Maximal Selten Subsets, with Charles AUDET and Pierre HANSEN. Published in Arabian Journal of Mathematics, Springer-Berlin-Heidelberg, Volume 3-Issue 3, p 299-311, 2014. PDF
5. A Hybrid Variable Neighborhood Tabu Search Heuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Time Windows, with Pierre Hansen and Gilbert Laporte. Published in Computers and Operations Research, Volume 52-Part B, p 269-281, 2014. PDF
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4. On Proper Refinement of Nash Equilibrium for Bimatrix Games, with Charles AUDET and Pierre HANSEN. Automatica, Vol.48, Issue 2, pp 297-303, February, 2012. PDF
3. A New Sequence form approach for the enumeration of all extreme Nash equilibria for Extensive form Games, with Charles AUDET and Pierre HANSEN.International Game Theory Review, vol. 11, no. 4, Dec. 2009. PDF
2. Enumeration of all extreme Nash equilibria in Game theory: Bimatrix and Polymatrix Games, with Charles AUDET and Pierre Hansen. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol.129 No.3, 349-372, June 2006. PDF
1. Variable
neighborhood search for extremal graphs XI. Bounds on
algebraic connectivity, with Nair Maria Maia de ABREU,
Pierre HANSEN and Carla Silva OLIVEIRA.Graph
Theory and Combinatorial Optimization,
edited by David Avis, Alain Hertz and Odile Marcotte,
Springer US, 2005.
Last Update 10-10-2018