Curriculum Vitae





Abdulaziz Abdullah Othman Al-Shuaibi

Date of Birth:

Ramadhan/1376 H  (corresponding to 1956) - Hofuf, Al-Hassa

Marital Status

Married - six children


KFUPM Box 449

Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia



860-5256   (Home)

860-2927   (Office)






Present Position:


Associate Professor

Department of Mathematical Sciences

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM)








High School Diploma (Hofuf)


B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA



B.S., Mathematics, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA



M.Sc., Mathematics, KFUPM


Ph.D., Mathematics, KFUPM





Area of Specialization:

Numerical Analysis, Inverse Problems


Career History




Electrical Engineer, Ministry of Information



Graduate Assistant, Department of Mathematical Sciences, KFUPM



Lecturer, Department of Mathematical Sciences, KFUPM


1992 – 1999

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, KFUPM


1999 – Present

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, KFUPM



Teaching Experience



î        Courses Taught at KFUPM:



·         Math 001      Prep-Math I

·         Math 002      Prep-Math II

·         Math 101      Calculus I

·         Math 102      Calculus II

·         Math 201      Calculus III

·         Math 202      Elements of Differential Equations

·         Math 301      Methods of Applied Mathematics

·         Math 321      Numerical Computing

·         Math 471      Numerical Analysis I

·         Math 574      Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations


Teaching Evaluation:

7.6  covering the period Semester I 1989-90 to Semester I 1996-97




î        Other Related Experience:



Electrical Engineer at Dammam Radio Station


Teaching Elementary Mathematics at College of Medical Sciences


Teaching Elementary Mathematics at King Faisal University


Teaching Graduate course in numerical analysis at the College of Girls Dammam

Research Interests


My current research interests include developing numerical  methods to approximate the inverse Laplace transforms as well as the construction of an efficient and fast algorithm to compute these approximations using the powerful application `Mathematica’.



Membership of Professional Societies


î        Member, SAMS (Saudi Association of Mathematical Sciences), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

î        University Representative in the ‘Afkar’ Magazine, published by King Saud University, Riyadh.

î        Member, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (AJSE), KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi  Arabia.


î        An official expert referee in the Journal of Inverse Problems at the UK.


Participation in Committees



KFUPM University Committees:

î        Standing Committees:

·         Admission Committee

·         Career Day Committee

î        Ad-Hoc Committee on Evaluation of Military Academic Degrees Committee


KFUPM Departmental Committees:

î        Standing Committees:

·         Search Committee

·         Undergraduate Committee

·         Planning and Advisory Committee

·         Numerical Scientific Group

·         Social Committee

î        Ad-Hoc Committee:

·         Math-Year Career Opportunities



Conferences and Seminars



î        First Conference of SAMS held in Riyadh (April 1994)

î        International Conference of Pure and Applied Mathematics (ICPAM) held in Manama, Bahrain (November 19-22, 1995).

î        Conference on Fourier Analysis and Applications (FAA-98), held in Kuwait (May 3 – 6, 1998).  Title of Invited Talk: “Post-Widder Formula Used in the Inversion of the Laplace Transform” (25 minute talk).

î        Joint Mathematics Meeting, sponsored by AMS and MAA, held at Baltimore, Maryland, USA (January  7 – 10, 1998),  (participation only).

î        Ninth International Conference on Approximation Theory, Sponsored by National Science Foundation with Vanderbilt University, held at Nashville, Tennessee, USA (January 3 – 6, 1998).  Invited Talk: “The Riemann Zeta Function Used in the Inversion of the Laplace Transform”.

î        18th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis held at the University of Dundee, Scotland (June 29 –  July 2, 1999).

î        “ICIAM 99” held at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland (July 5 – 9, 1999).

î        Workshop on Mathematical Finance, held at Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland (July 5, 1999).

î        SC2000(super computing ) conference, held at Dallas Tx USA( 8-14/8/1421. )


î        Lectures Delivered:

·         On Mennicke group of deficiency zero (1986), KFUPM.

·         On the maximum principle (1989), KFUPM.

·         On the inversion of the Laplace transform (1992), KFUPM.

·         On the regularized solution of the inverse Laplace transform (presented at ICPAM, Bahrain, 1995).



Research -Publication


1.       M.A. Al-Bar and A.A. Al-Shuaibi, “On Mennicke groups of deficiency zero II”, Canad. Math. Bull., Vol. 34(3) (1991), pp. 289-293.

2.       A.A. Al-Shuaibi, “On the spectral measure of the Laplace transform operator”, AJSE, Vol. 22, No. 1A (1997),pp. 87-97.

3.       A.A. Al-Shuaibi, “A regularization method for approximating the inverse Laplace transform”, Approx. Theory & Its Appl., 13:1(1997), pp. 58-65.

4.       A.A. Al-Shuaibi, “On the inversion of Laplace transform by the use of a regularized displacement operator”, Inverse Problems, 13(1997), 1153-1160.

5.       A. Boumenir and A.A. Al-Shuaibi, “The inverse Laplace transform and analytic pseudo-differential operators”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its Applications, 228, 16-36, 1998. Article No. AY 986083.

6.       A. Boumenir and A.A.  Al-Shuaibi, “An analytical inversion of the Laplace transform”, Technical Report No. 221 , Department of Mathematical Sciences, KFUPM, June, 1997.

7.       A.A. Al-Shuaibi, “The Riemann-zeta function used in the inversion of the Laplace transform”, Inverse Problems, 14(1998), 1-7.


8-    A.A. Al-Shuaibi,”On the numerical inversion of the Laplace transform by the use of an optimized Legendre polynomials”.J. KSIAM,Vol 4,No 1,49-65,2000.

9-    A.A. Al-Shuaibi, “Inversion of the Laplace Transform Via Post Widder Formula”. Journal of  Integral Transforms and Special Functions,Vol .11,No.3,pp 225-232.(2001)

Other Activities


î        Participated in some of the SAMS organizing and administrative  meetings held in Riyadh.

î        Participated in a number of official visits to the Jubail Industrial City (College assignment).

î        Participated in the arrangement and invitation of many visiting speakers from within and outside the Kingdom.

î        Participated in the translation of a number of scientific articles.



Nomination For Awards


î        Nominated as a candidate for Fulbright Scholarship.

î        Nominated as a candidate for the British Council Scholarship.