Applications of Item Response Theory to Practical Testing Problems
Frederick M. Lord. 274 pages. 1980.
Fundamentals of Item Response Theory
Ronald K. Hambleton, H. Swaminathan, and H. Jane Rogers. 184 pages. 1991.
Test Equating, Scaling, and Linking: Methods and Practices (Second Edition)
Michael J. Kolen and Robert L. Brennan. 548 pages. 2004.
Item Response Theory: Principles and Applications
Ronald K. Hambleton and Hariharan Swaminathan. 332 pages. 1984.
Handbook of Modern Item Response Theory
Edited by Wim J. van der Linden and Ronald K. Hambleton. 510 pages. 1997.
Applying The Rasch Model
Trevor G. Bond and Christine M. Fox 255 pages. 2001
Explanatory Item Response Models: A Generalized Linear and Nonlinear Approach
Edited by Paul De Boeck and Mark Wilson. 382 pages. 2004.
Introduction to Nonparametric Item Response Theory
Klaas Sijtsma and Ivo W. Molenaar. 168 pages. 2002.
Item Response Theory
Mathilda Du Toit. 906 pages. 2003.
Item Response Theory for Psychologists
Susan E. Embretson and Steven P. Reise. 376 pages. 2000.
Item Response Theory: Parameter Estimation Techniques (Second Edition, Revised and Expanded w/CD)
Frank Baker and Seock-Ho Kim. 495 pages. 2004.
Latent Variable Models and Factor Analysis, Second Edition
David Bartholomew and Martin Knott. 214 pages. 1999.
Logit and Probit: Ordered and Multinomial Models
Vani K. Borooah. 96 pages. 2002
Rasch Models for Measurement
David Andrich. 96 pages. 1988.
Rasch Models: Foundations, Recent Developments, and Applications
Edited by Gerhard H. Fischer and Ivo W. Molenaar. 436 pages. 1995.
The Sage Handbook of Quantitative Methodology for the Social Sciences
Edited by David Kaplan. 511 pages. 2004.