King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Math 101 – Calculus I

Sections 18 and 19

Semester I, 2003-2004(031)

Preface to the Students



A copy is attached.

Course Objectives, Contents and Textbook:

Refer to the syllabus for all details.

Grade Allocations:

§         Two Major Exams  – 22% each                                             44%

§         Quizzes                                                                                   15%

§         Homework                                                                               6%

§         Final Exam                                                                             35%

Important Details:

1.       Each exam and each quiz cover the new material covered in the weeks/days preceding it.

2.       The Final Exam is comprehensive. The date, time and place are as scheduled by the Registrar.

3.       Homework sets will be collected on Saturdays.  No late submission will be allowed.

4.       Attendance is compulsory.  The University Policy regarding attendance will be strictly enforced. 

5.       Help Sessions will be scheduled (in the evening) throughout the semester.

6.       Absences, late attendances, ill-done homework assignments, etc. will seriously affect the student grade.  The student becomes a candidate for a lower grade, F or DN, as appropriate

7.       Serious attitude towards classes, active participations in Class and Help Sessions, Well-done homework assignments, etc., will result in positive impressions.  Such impressions will favorably affect critical final grade decisions.

8.       You are advised to: (i) Study/read the textbook, (ii) Take good notes and (iii) Work hard.  Keep all of these in mind.

Exams: Dates, Times and Places:

(i)        Exam I:   Monday October 13, 2003.  7:40 pm – 09:00 pm. 5-203.

(ii)       Exam II: Thursday December 04, 2003. 07:40 – 09:00 pm. 5-203.


Mahmoud Sarhan

Office:  5-405

Telephone: (860)-2466

Office Hours:

  • SMW 12:20 – 1:05 pm          3:00 – 4:00 pm
  • By appointment
