Dr. Mohamed Amine Khamsi
Adjunct Professor (KFUPM)
Professor (UTEP)
Department of
Mathematics and Statistics
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
PO Box 411, Dhahran 31261
Saudi Arabia
e-mail: mkhamsi@kfupm.edu.sa
Tel: +966 (03) 860 7006
Fax: +966 (03) 860 2340
Department of
Mathematical Science
University of Texas at El Paso
500 West University Ave
El Paso, Texas, 79968, USA.
e-mail: mohamed@utep.edu
Tel: +1 (915) 747 6763
Fax: +1 (915) 747 6502
fondness for science, ... that affability and condescension which God shows
to the learned, that promptitude with which he protects and supports them
in the elucidation of obscurities and in the removal of difficulties, has
encouraged me to compose a short work on calculating by al-jabr and al-
muqabala , confining it to what is easiest and most useful in
arithmetic" [al-jabr means "restoring", referring to the
process of moving a subtracted quantity to the other side of an equation;
al-muqabala is "comparing" and refers to subtracting equal
quantities from both sides of an equation].......
Musa Al-Khwarizmi (about 790-about 840)