KFUPM Math&Stat

Dr. Monjed H. Samuh


  1. M. Samuh (Nov. 2014). p-values: Interpretation and Methodology. Palestine Polytechnic University.
  2. M. Samuh (Jan. 2012). Some Advances in Permutation Testing. Padova University.
  3. M. Samuh (Mar. 2011). Applications of Empirical Conditional Power Function of Permutation Tests. Institute of Applied Statistics and Computing, BOKU, Vienna.
  4. M. Samuh (Jan. 2011). Applications of Empirical Conditional Power Function of Permutation Tests. Padova University.
  5. M. Samuh (Nov. 2009). Classification trees with unbiased multiway splits. Padova University.
  6. M. Ranieri, M. Samuh & F. Solmi (Oct. 2009). Testing for ARCH in the presence of nonlinearity of unknown form in the conditional mean. Padova University.
  7. M. Ranieri, M. Samuh & F. Solmi (Jul. 2009). Clustering by principal curves with real data applications. Padova University.
  8. M. Samuh (Jun. 2009). Multidimensional scaling. Padova University.
  9. M. Samuh (Apr. 2009). Empirical Bayes confidence intervals for means of natural exponential family-quadratic variance function distributions. Padova University.
  10. M. Samuh (Feb. 2009). Branching process. Padova University.

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