A.        Journal Papers:


           [1] H. Tanaka, J. ALMutawa and T. Katayama, “Subspace identification of linear systems with observation outliers”, Trans. Inst. Sys. Contr. and Inform. Eng., vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 89-96 (2004).


          [2] J. ALMutawa, H. Tanaka and T. Katayama,” EM algorithm for state-space identification with observation outliers- An initialization by subspace methods”, Trans. Inst. Sys. Contr. and Inform. Eng., vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 178-186 (2005).


          [3] J. ALMutawa and T. Katayama,”Subspace identification of state space models with observation outliers based on least-trimmed-squares”,  Trans. Inst. Sys. Contr. and Inform. Eng., vol  18, (2006) to appear.




            B.         Conference papers:

         [1] J. ALMutawa, H. Tanaka and T. Katayama,” EM algorithm for system identification in presence of outliers”, Proc. 35th Int. Symp. Stochastic system Theory and its Application (SSS03), Ube, Yamaguchi, October 30-31, (2003).


         [2] J. ALMutawa, and T. Katayama,” Subspace identification of state space models with observation outliers based on least-trimmed-squares”, Preprints IFAC Workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Control and Signal Processing (ALCOSP2004), Yokohama, August 31- September 1, (2004).


         [3] J. ALMutawa, and T. Katayama,” Subspace identification of observation outliers in colored noise”, Proc. 36th Int. Symp. Stochastic system Theory and its Application (SSS04), Hatoyama, November 3-4, (2004).


         [4] H. Tanaka, J. ALMutawa and T. Katayama,” Stochastic subspace identification of linear systems with observation outliers”,  to appear in CDC-ECC, Spain, (2005).


         [5] J. ALMutawa, H. Tanaka and T. Katayama,” Stochastic subspace identification with observation outliers using leave-k-out diagnostics”, SICE Annual conference 2005, Okayama Japan, .


         [6] J. ALMutawa and T. Katayama, ”Stochastic Subspace identification of  observation outliers based on robust leave-k diagnostics”,  Proc. 37th Int. Symp. Stochastic system Theory and its Application (SSS05), Osaka, October 28-29, 2005.