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During my PhD1989-1993
Dept of Math and Computer Science
while teaching in Hail community college summer
ONA'99 International Conference on Optimization and Numerical Sep. 26 - 30, 1999, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China. Paper presented: Toeplitz Matrix
British council summer
my advisor Roger Fletcher and
colleague Sven Leyffer
International Conference on Advances in Convex Analysis and Global Optimization in the university of Aegean, Samos, Greece in June 5-9, 2000. Paper presented: On Nonlinear Optimization Problem with Semidefinite Toeplitz
First International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematical in Indian Subcontinent and Vith Annual Conference of ISIAM, Amritsar, India, January 22-25, 2001. The border between Pakistan and
The Sixth International Conference on Approximation and Optimization in the Caribbean in Guatemala at March 25 - 30, 2001. Paper presented: Hybrid Methods for Approximating Hankel
Guatemala antique volcano above the cloud
18. 2nd WSEAS Multiconference on Applied and Theoretical Mathematics, in Cairns, Australia, 17-21 Dec.
British council summer
Large Scale Nonlinear and Semidefinite Programming Workshop, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, 13- 15,
Canada, July 28-30, 2004.August 2004
March 2005 Math&Stat party inAlEttifaq
27. The Eighth SIAM Conference on Optimization. Stockholm, Sweden. 15-19 May 2005. Paper presented: Rationalizing Foot and Ankle Measurements to Conform to a Rigid Body Model.
November 2005 Family trophy for university
The Annual Conference of ANZIAM 2006. AMSI, Mansfield in Victoria Australia. 5-9, February 2006. Paper presented: Projection Method onto Cones with Convex
The CAIMS -MITACS 2006 Joint Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, June 15-20, 2006. Poster presented: Semidefinite Programming for the Educational Testing Problem. Waterloo June
Dr. Alshamary Phd
Oman Nov. Arabic translation of scientific books conference
Nov 2006 Al-JwaThe
rock where Able and Ante use to
30. Joint Mathematics Meetings, AMS in New Orleans, USA January 5-8,
in Waterloo Canada same
IMA Optimization and Control, Minneapolis, USA, January 16-20,
Riyadh Science conference10-13
Dubai (calculus stewart meeting) Mar
April 2007 in AlHassa with
Prof. Al-Daffa Students May 2007
Combinatorics and Optimization 40th Anniversary Conference, Waterloo, Canada, June 18-23,
with Profs A. Y. Alfakih and K. G. Murty,
SPSS workshop
The 7th International Conference on Optimization:Techniques and Applications (ICOTA7) Kobe, Japan, 12-15, December 2007. Paper presented: Matrix Nearness Problems. Paper presented: On Vector Optimization Problems and Minty-type Vector Variational-like
Joint Mathematics Meetings, AMS in San Diego, USA, January 6-9,
Conference on Numerical Analysis and Optimization, Muscat, Oman, April 6-8, 2008. Paper presented: Matrix Nearness Problems. Session
The Ninth SIAM Conference on Optimization. Boston, USA. May 10–13, 2008. Paper presented: Minimal Condition Number for Positive Definite Hankel Matrices using Semidefinite
Symposium on Global analysis and Probability, Algassim University, May 27-28, 2008. Invited talk: Interior Point Method.
Tunisia March
Inter. Conference on Optimization and its Applications, Varanasi, India, February 16-18, 2010
invited by Porf. S.K. Mishra,
The Third International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (CSO 2010)
Huangshan (Yellow) Mountain, Anhui Province, China. May 28-31, 2010
Expo Shanghai: May 28-31, 2010
(Yellow) Mountain: May 28-31, 2010
College of Sciences end of year Gathering June 2010
My Father
Oyoon Aljewa
(عيون الجواء)