Teaching |


Teaching Expirience
- King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Sept. 1998 - present
• Subjects Taught: Statistics for Engineering, and Applied Regression and Experiments Designs.
• Revised the B. S. program.
• Developing the M. S. and Ph.D. Statistics program at K.F.U.P.M.
• Statistical Consultant to the faculty and students.
- Deakin University, Jan. 1996 – Sept. 1998
• Subjects Taught: Advanced Statistics, Data Analysis, Applied Statistics, Introduction to Optimization, Deterministic Optimization and Topic in Optimization.
• Revised and developed the Statistics program at Deakin University.
• Statistical Consultant to the faculty and students.
- Yarmouk University, Sept. 1991 - Jan. 1996
• Subjects Taught: Introduction to Statistics, Business Statistics, Sampling Methods, Time Series, Applied Statistics for Business, Operations Research, Statistical Methods, Linear Model, Multivariate Analysis, Linear Programming, Discrete Data Analysis, Regression Analysis, Practical Statistical Methods (Case Study), Experimental Design, Statistical Computing, Bio-statistics, Statistical Demography, Probability and Non-Parametric.
• Participated in the revision of both B.Sc. and M.Sc. Programmers.
• Participated in various academic committees.
• Member of the College of Science Council for one year.
• Statistical Consultant to the faculty and students.
- Ajman University, Feb. 1989 - Sept. 1991
• Subjects Taught: Introduction to Statistics, Business Statistics, Sampling Methods, Operations Research, Statistical Methods, Linear Programming, Calculus, and Linear Algebra.
• Participated in various academic committees.
• Established and manage the Statistical Consulting Center.
- University of Wyoming, Jan. 1988-Jan. 1989
• Subjects Taught: Introduction to Statistics, Business Statistics, Sampling Methods, Regression Analysis, and Operations Research.
• Statistical Consultant to the faculty and students.
- University of Wyoming & University of California Davis, Sept. 1982 - Jan. 1988
• Subjects Taught: Introduction to Statistics, Business Statistics, Sampling Methods, and Regression Analysis.
• Statistical Consultant to the faculty and students.