Conferences | ||||
[International Conferences | Local Conferences] |
Contributed papers
Unequal Probability and Ranked Set Sampling, American Statistical Association (ASA) Conference, Colorado, 1988.
Size Biased Probability and Ranked Set Sampling, International Biometrics Society (IBS) Conference, Davis, USA, 1989.
Using Computers in Statistics, Teaching Statistics in Jordan Conference, Irbid, Jordan, (1993).
Advanced Sampling Methods, Jordan Bureau of Statistics Conference, Amman, Jordan, 1993.
Estimation of Parameters in a Multiple Regression Parameters using Ranked Set Sampling, Second Conference of Mathematical Sciences, Mut’a, Jordan, 1994.
Bayesian Estimation Using Ranked Set Sampling, SUSC-96 Congeries, Sydney, Australia, July 10-15, (1996).
Using Ranked Set Sampling for Testing Hypotheses on the Scale Parameter for Exponential and Uniform Distributions, ICCS-V Conference, Malang, Indonesia, August 10-14, (1996).
Median Ranked Set Sampling with Size Biased Probability of Selection, ISI 51st Session, Istanbul, Turkey, (1997).
Median Ranked Set Sampling: A more Efficient Method, The Biometrics Society Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 30/11- 4/12, (1997).
On Ratio Estimation using Median Ranked Set Sampling, Saudi Association for Mathematical Sciences meting, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, April March 9-10, (1999).
Extreme Ranked Set Sampling: A Comparison with Regression and Ranked Set Sampling Estimators, ISI 52end Session, Helsinki, Finland, August 10-18, (1999).
Adjusted Two-stage Adaptive Cluster Sampling, Saudi Association for Mathematical Sciences meting, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (2000).
Investigating the Estimation of the Population under Random Ranked Set Sampling, ISI 53rd Session, Seoul, South Korea, August 22-29, (2001).
Marketing Statistics Graduate, Saudi Association for Mathematical Sciences meting, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, (2002).
Statistical Quality Control Based on Ranked Set Sampling, Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, USA, (2002).
Statistical Quality Control using Paired RSS, ISI 54th Session, Berlin, Germany, August, 22-29, (2003).
Statistical Quality Control using DRSS , IBS and SSA conferences, Carina, Australia, July, 11-18, (2004).
Some Aspect of DRSS, Joint Statistical Metting, Toronto, Canada, August 8- 12, (2004).
CUSUM Control Charts using RSS, ISI 55th Session, Sydney, Australia, April, 5-12, (2005).
Monitoring the Process Mean and Variance using Ranked Set Sampling and Its Modifications, International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Sharjah, UAE, February 1-3, (2005).
EWMA Control Charts using RSS, SSA and NZSA conference, Auckland, New Zeeland , July, 3-8 (2006).
Cumulative Sum Statistical Control Charts using Ranked Set Sampling, The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, USA, June 29th – July 2nd (2008).
Confidence Intervals Estimation of the Location Parameter of the Logistic Distribution using Ranked Set Sampling, Joint Statistical Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, August 3- 7, (2008
Invited papers
Median Ranked Set Sampling: A Comparison with Regression and Ranked Set Sampling Estimators, The 9th International Conference on Quantitative Methods for Environmental Sciences, International Environmetrics Society, Queensland, Australia, July 3-6, (1998).
Extreme Ranked Set Sampling with Size Biased Probability of Selection, The 10th International Conference on Quantitative Methods for Environmental Sciences, International Environmetrics Society, Athens, Greece, August 23-27, (1999).
Adjusted Two-stage Adaptive Cluster Sampling, The Seventh International Conference on Statistics, Mumbai, India, (2000).
Investigating the estimation of the population Mean using Random Ranked Set Sampling, The Seventh International Conference on Statistics, Mumbai, India, (2000).
Random Ranked Set Sampling, The Seventh Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICCS-VII), Lahore Pakistan, Januray1-5, (2001).