Prof. Dr. Othman ECHI
Full Name |
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Date & Place of Birth |
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20/02/1962 El Hamma Djerid (Tunisia) |
Nationality |
: |
Tunisian |
Marital Status |
: |
Married |
Present Address |
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Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. Department of Mathematics &
Statistics, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. |
Function |
: |
Professor |
E-mails |
: |;, and |
Major Fields |
: |
Commutative Algebra, General Topology. |
Areas of Research
Interest |
: |
Commutative Algebra, Discrete Mathematics and
its Applications, Digital Topology, Elementary Number Theory and its
Applications, Foliation Theory, General Topology, Theory of Binary Relations,
Theory of Categories, Theoretical computer science. |
Degree |
Date |
University |
Country |
Specialization |
BS |
1986 |
Univ. Tunis II |
Mathematics |
Master |
1988 |
Univ. Tunis II |
Algebra |
Doctorate of Specialty |
1990 |
Univ. Tunis II |
Algebra |
Doctorate of State |
1993 |
Univ. Tunis II |
Algebra |
Habilitation |
2001 |
Univ. Aix-Marseille III |
Algebra and topology |
Year |
Award or Scholarship |
1986 |
The First Prize for graduating
with excellence from the ENS (Ecole Normale Supérieure), Bizerte |
AY: (86/87), (87/88) |
Tunisian Government Scholarship
for graduate studies (from the ENS, Bizerte) |
1982 |
The First Prize for graduating
with excellence from high school (School of Abul-Kacem Chebbi, Tozeur) |
Language |
Proficiency |
Writing |
Conversation |
Arabic |
Excellent |
Excellent |
Excellent |
French |
Excellent |
Excellent |
Excellent |
English |
Excellent |
Excellent |
Good |
Job Title |
From - To |
Institution |
Country |
Assistant (Lecturer) |
1988-1991 |
Fac. Sc. Sfax |
Assistant Professor |
1991-1994 |
Fac. Sc. Sfax |
Associate Professor |
1994-2000 |
Fac. Sc. Sfax |
Professor Dr. |
March 2001-Now |
Fac. Sc. Tunis |
Professor Dr. |
September 2009-Now |
Calculus, General Topology,
Differential Geometry, Hilbertian Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, Linear
Algebra, Abstract Algebra,
Rings and Fields, Group Theory,
Number Theory.
Graduate courses that I have taught at the Master degree
1. Dimension Theory (University of Sfax) [AY: 1994/1995]
2. Commutative Algebra (University of Sfax) [AY: 1995/1996]
3. Spectral Spaces (University of Sfax) [AY: 1997/1998]
4. Spectral Spaces (University of Tunis
El Manar) [AY:
5. Theory of Categories and Topology (University of Tunis
El Manar) [AY:
6. Theory of categories and Topology (University of Tunis El Manar) [AY: 2003/2004]
7. Discrete Mathematics and
Applications (University of Tunis El Manar) [AY:2005/2006]
8. Lattice Theory and application to
Theoretical Computer Science (University of Tunis El Manar) [AY: 2008/2009]
9. Abstract Algebra (King Fahd University
of Petroleum and Minerals) [AY: 2009/20010]
10. Commutative Algebra (King Fahd University
of Petroleum and Minerals) [AY: 2013/2014]
Number of Master’s Theses Supervised: (9)
Supervised Theses (Ph. D. Or Habilitation): (11)
Students who received their Habilitation or Ph.D. Degree under my
Student Name |
Degree |
Title of the Dissertation |
University & Year |
Ezzeddine Bouacida (co-supervision) |
Doctorate of State |
The Space of
leaves of a Co-dimension one Foliation and Spectral Topology |
Mabrouk Ben Nasr |
Ph. D. |
Pairs of Rings
Satisfying a Property and Non-finite Dimension |
Bahri Cherif |
Ph. D. |
Spectral and
Topological Reconstruction of a Binary Relation |
University of Tunis II; 1999 |
Noomen Jarboui |
Ph. D. |
Jaffard Pairs and
the Altitude formula |
Karim Belaid |
Ph. D. |
On some Problems
in Spectral Topology |
Mabrouk Ben Nasr |
Habilitation |
On Some Problems
about pairs of rings and Chain Conditions on a Commutative Ring |
Noomen Jarboui |
Habilitation |
Jaffard Pairs, Universally Catenarian Pairs and a solution to a conjecture on chain conditions on Polynomial Rings |
Ryadh Gargouri |
Ph. D. |
A-Spectral Spaces
and Locally Compact Sober Spaces |
Karim Belaid |
Habilitation |
Spectral Topology |
Sami Lazaar |
Ph. D. |
Separation Axioms
and Duality in General Topology |
Lobna Dridi |
Ph. D. |
On Door,
Submaximal and Nodec Spaces |
University of
Tunis-el Manar; 2012 |
Participation at
International Conferences (In each of the following conferences, I gave a talk
(except in 6))
The conferences of the
Tunisian Mathem.atical Society: April 1993, March 1994, March 1995, March 1996,
March 1997, March 1998, March 2006, March 2007.
2. The first International Conference “Autour des polynômes à valeurs entières ” 1990. CIRM, Marseille, France.
3. The first International Conference on Commutative Ring Theory. 1992, Fez, Morocco.
4. The International Conference “Algèbre et Applications” 1993, CIRM, Marseille, France.
The second
International Conference on Commutative Ring Theory. 1995, Fez, Morocco.
The International
School: “Real and Complex Foliations” organized by the ''International Centre
for Pure and Applied Mathematics CIMPA'', 1995, September 11-22. Sfax, Tunisia.
7. The International Conference “Algèbre et théorie des nombres 1997”, Fez, Morocco.
8. The International Conference “Algèbre”, 1997, Marseille, France.
The International Workshop “Commutative ring
Theory III”
10. Relational Methods in Computer Science (RelMiCS) (RelMiCS) 1997
(conf/RelMiCS/1997), Hammamet, Tunisia.
11. The Conference of S.A.M.S (Saudi Association for Mathematical
Sciences). King Saud University, March 1999, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
12. The International Workshop on Algebra and Applications 1999, November
7-9. King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
13. The Conference of S.A.M.S (Saudi Association for Mathematical
Sciences). King Saud University, April 2000, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
14. The 19th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications,
5-9 July 2004, University of Cape
Town, South Africa.
01-06, 2004, Tunis, Tunisia.
16. Fourth International Conference on Applied Mathematics and
Computing, August 12-19, 2007, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
17. Fifth International Fez “Commutative Algebra and its
Applications”, June 23-28, 2008, Fez, Morocco.
18. The 24th Summer Conference on
Topology and Its Applications, July
14-17, 2009, Brno, Czech Republic.
19. 2009 International Conference on
Topology and Its Applications, July, 06-11,
2009, Hacettepe University, Ankara-Turkey.
20. The First
International Conference on Mathematics and Statistics AUS-ICMS’10, March 18-21,
2010, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah UAE.
21. Algebra meets Topology: Advances and Applications. Conference in honour of Dikran Dikranjan on his 60th birthday. July 19- 23, 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
22. International Conference on Applied
Analysis and Algebra, Yildiz Technical University, June 29 - July 2, 2011, Istambul, Turkey.
23. International Conference on Applied Analysis
and Algebra, Yildiz Technical University, June 29 - July 2, 2012, Istambul, Turkey.
1993-1996: Elected member of the Scientific Council (Faculty of Sciences
of Sfax) 1995-1999: Elected member of the National Jury of Recruitment of
Assistants (Ministry of Higher Education, Tunisia).
1995-1999: Elected member of the National Jury of Recruitment of
Assistant Professors (Ministry of Higher Education, Tunisia).
2004-2005: Elected member of the
National Jury of Recruitment of Assistant Professors (Ministry of Higher
Education, Tunisia).
Vice-President of the Tunisian Mathematical Society (1997-1998).
1992-1998: Director of the Research group “Algebra” at the University of
Sfax (E03/C15).
2003-2010: Director of the Research group “Algebra and Topology”
(03/UR/03/C15) at the University of Tunis El Manar.
2004-2005: Elected member of the National Jury
of Recruitment of Assistant Professors (Ministry of Higher Education, Tunisia).
Consultations and services:
I have served as a referee for the following Journals or Series:
African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics;
Allahabad Mathematical Society; Communications in Algebra; International
Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences; Lecture Notes in Pure and
Applied Mathematic; Matematicki Vesnik; Monatshefte der Mathematik; International
Journal of Open Problems in Computer Science and Mathematics, Topology and its
Applications, Arabian Journal of Mathematics, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Jordan Journal of Mathematics & Statistics
I have also served as a referee for:
of Sana’a (Yemen); Faculty of Sciences of Tunis (University of Tunis el-Manar),
Faculty of Sciences of Sfax (University of Tunis Sfax); University of Taibah, University of Dammem
(KSA), Umm Al-Qura University (KSA)
I am an editor of ISRN Algebra
n I am a reviewer in Zentralblatt MATH
1. |
Othman. |
2. |
Echi, Othman. Transfert de la notion
de |
3. |
Echi, Othman. The altitude formula. Commutative
ring theory (Fès, 1992), 99--103, Lecture
Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics
153, Dekker, New York, 1994. |
4. |
Ahmed; Cahen, Paul-Jean; Echi, Othman. Intersection de produits fibres
et formule de la dimension. Communications in Algebra 22 (1994), no. 9, 3495--3509. |
5. |
Othman. Sur les hauteurs valuatives. Bollettino della Union
Matematica Italiana B (7) 9 (1995), no. 2, 281--297. |
6. |
Ayache, Ahmed; Cahen, Paul-Jean; Echi,
Othman. Valuative heights and infinite Nagata rings. Communications in Algebra 23 (1995), no. 5, 1913--1926. |
7. |
Ahmed; Cahen, Paul-Jean; Echi, Othman. Anneaux quasi-prüfériens et
$P$-anneaux. Bollettino della Union Matematica Italiana B (7) 10 (1996), no. 1, 1--24. |
8. |
Bouacida, Ezzeddine; Echi, Othman; Salhi, Ezzeddine. Topologies associées á une relation binaire et relation binaire spectrale. Bollettino della Union Matematica Italiana B (7) 10 (1996), no. 2, 417--439. |
9. |
Belaïd, Karim; Cherif, Bahri; Echi,
Othman. On spectral binary relations. Commutative ring theory
(Fès, 1995), 79--88, Lecture Notes in Pure
and Applied Mathematics 185,
Dekker, New York, 1997. |
10. |
Bouacida, Ezzeddine; Echi,
Othman; Salhi, Ezzeddine. Nonfinite heights. Commutative ring theory
(Fès, 1995), 113--130, Lecture Notes in
Pure and Applied Mathematics 185,
Dekker, New York, 1997. |
11. |
Bouacida, Ezzeddine; Echi,
Othman; Salhi, Ezzeddine. Foliations, spectral topology, and special
morphisms. Advances in commutative ring theory (Fez, 1997), 111--132, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 205, Dekker, New York, 1999. |
12. |
Nasr, Mabrouk; Echi, Othman; Izelgue, Lahoucine; Jarboui, Noôman. Pairs of domains where all intermediate
domains are Jaffard. Journal of Pure
Applied Algebra 145 (2000), no. 1, 1--18. |
13. |
Ameziane, Souad; Echi, Othman;
Yengui, Ihsen. Direct systems of localizations of polynomial rings. Acta Scientarum Mathematicarum (Szeged) 66 (2000), no. 3-4, 465--476. |
14. |
Bouacida, Ezzeddine; Echi,
Othman; Salhi, Ezzeddine. Feuilletages et topologie spectrale. Journal of Mathematical Society of Japan 52 (2000), no. 2, 447--464. |
15. |
Echi, Othman. A topological characterization of
the Goldman prime spectrum of a commutative ring. Communications in Algebra 28 (2000),
no. 5, 2329--2337. |
16. |
Belaid, Karim; Cherif, Bahri; Echi,
Othman. Quasi-spectral binary relations and ordered disjoint unions. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Calcutta) 11 (2000),
no. 2, 139--157. |
17. |
Ahmed; Ben Nasr, Mabrouk; Echi, Othman; Jarboui, Noômen. Universally catenarian and
going-down pairs of rings. Mathematische Zeitschtrif 238 (2001), no.
4, 695--731. |
18. |
Echi, Othman; Jarboui, Noômen. On residually
integrally closed domains. Demonstratio
Mathematica 36 (2003), no.
3, 543--550. |
19. |
Echi, Othman. Quasi-homeomorphisms,
Goldspectral spaces and Jacspectral spaces. Bollettino
della Union Matematica Italiana B Artic. Ric. Mat. (8) 6 (2003), no. 2, 489--507. |
20. |
Echi, Othman. Topological characterizations of
some subspaces of a spectral space. Questions
and Answers in General Topology 21
(2003), no. 2, 109--123. |
21. |
Bouacida, Ezzeddine; Echi,
Othman; Picavet, Gabriel; Salhi, Ezzeddine. An extension theorem for
sober spaces and the Goldman topology. International
Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2003, no. 51, 3217--3239. |
22. |
Belaid, Karim; Echi, Othman;
Gargouri, Riyadh. A-spectral spaces. Topology
and its Applications 138
(2004), no. 1-3, 315--322. |
23. |
Belaid, Karim; Echi, Othman.
On a conjecture about spectral sets. Topology
and its Applications 139
(2004), no. 1-3, 1--15. |
24. |
Echi, Othman; Gargouri, Riyadh. An up-spectral
space need not be A-spectral. New York
Journal of Mathematics 10
(2004), 271--277. |
25. |
Belaid, Karim; Echi, Othman;
Lazaar, Sami.
26. |
Echi, Othman; Ito, Munehiko. Up-spectral spaces and
A-spectral spaces. Questions and Answers
in General Topology 23
(2005), no. 1, 15--26. |
27. |
Belaid, Karim; Echi, Othman;
Gargouri, Two classes of locally compact sober spaces. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical
Sciences 2005,
no. 15, 2421--2427. |
28. |
Ayache, Ahmed; Echi, Othman.
The envelope of a subcategory in topology and group theory. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical
Sciences (2005),
no. 21, 3387--3404. |
29. |
Ayache, Ahmed; Dobbs, David E.; Echi, Othman. Reflection of some quasi-local
domains. Journal of Algebra and its
Applications 5 (2006) n°2,
201--213. |
30. |
Ayache, Ahmed; Echi, Othman.
Valuation and pseudo-valuation subrings of an integral domain. Communications in Algebra 34 (2006), 2467--2483. |
31. |
Ayache, Ahmed; Dobbs, David E.; Echi, Othman. Universal mapping properties of
some pseudovaluation domains and related quasilocal domains. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical
Sciences 2006,
Art. ID 72589, 12 pp. |
32. |
Echi, Othman. On |
33. |
Echi, Othman. Binomial coefficients and Nasir
al-Din al-Tusi. Scientific Research and Essay
Vol. 1 (2), pp. 028--032, November 2006. |
34. |
Echi, Othman. Networks of Morphisms. Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences 19 (2007) n°2, 93--105. |
35. |
Ayache, Ahmed; Dobbs, David E.; Echi, Othman. On Maximal non-accp Subrings Journal of Algebra and its Applications 6 (2007) n° 5, 873--894. |
36. |
Echi, Othman; Marzougui, Habib; Salhi,
Ezzeddine, Problems from the Bizerte-Sfax-Tunis Seminar, in Open Problems
in Topology II, E. Pearl ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2007, pp.
669--674. |
37. |
Echi, Othman. Williams Numbers.
Reports of the Academy of Sciences of the Royal Society of Canada 29 (2007), n° 2, 41--47. |
38. |
Echi, Othman; Lazaar, Sami. Sober Spaces and Sober Sets. Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences 20 (2008),
60--72. |
39. |
Echi, Othman;
Gargouri, Riyadh; Lazaar, Sami. On the Hochster Dual of a
Topological space. Topology Proceedings
32 (2008), 153--166. |
40. |
M. E; Belaid, Karim; Dridi, Lobna; Echi,
Othman. Submaximal
Spaces and Spectral Spaces. Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 108A (2008), 137--147. |
41. |
Echi, Othman;
Naimi, Mongi. Primitive words and Spectral Spaces.
New York Journal of Mathematics 14 (2008), 719--731. |
42. |
Echi, Othman; Lazaar, Sami. Universal Spaces, Tychonoff and
Spectral Spaces. Mathematical
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 108A (2009), 35--47. |
43. |
Echi, Othman; Lazaar, Sami.
Reflective subcategories, Tychonoff Spaces and Spectral Spaces. Topology
Proceedings 34
(2009), 307--319. |
44. |
Echi, Othman. The Cardinality of a Sphere relative to an
Edit Distance, Applied Mathematical Sciences 3 (2009), 813--824. |
45. |
Echi, Othman; Lazaar, Sami.
Quasihomeomorphisms and Lattice Equivalent Topological Spaces. Applied General Topology 10 (2010), 227--237. |
46. |
Bouallegue, Kais;
Echi,Othman; Pinch,
Richard. Korselt numbers and
sets. International Journal of Number Theory 6 (2010), 257--269. |
47. |
Echi, Othman
and Mohammed Oueld Abdallahi, On the Spectralification of a Hemispectral
Space, Journal of Algebra and its Applications
10 (2011), 687--699. |
48. |
Karim; Dridi, Lobna; Echi, Othman.
Submaximal and door
compactifications. Topology and its
Applications 158 (2011), 1969--1975. |
49. |
Echi, Othman;
Ghanmi, Nejib. The Korselt Set of |
50. |
Echi, Othman.
The Categories of Flows of |
51. |
Al-Hajri, Monerah; Belaid, Karim; Echi,
Othman. Stone Spaces and
Compactifications. Pure Mathematical
Sciences 2 (2013),
75 -- 81. |
52. |
Al-Rasasi, Ibrahim; Echi, Othman; Ghanmi, Nejib. On the
Korselt Set of a Squarefree Composite Number. Mathematical Reports
of the Academy of Sciences of the Royal Society of Canada 35 (2013), 1--15. |