Employment History
Employer: place, years, rank, medium of instruction
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia:
Since June 2000 (Professor), English.
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia:
From September 1994 to May 2000 (Associate Professor), English.
National Institute of Electricity and Electronics, Boumerdes, Algeria, 1993-1994, (Associate Professor), English.
National Institute of Electricity and Electronics, Boumerdes, Algeria, 1990-1993, (Assistant Professor), English.
University of Sheffield, UK, 1986-1989, (Demonstrator), English.
National Institute of Electricity and Electronics, Boumerdes, Algeria, 1981-1986, (Lecturer), English.
Academie Militaire Inter-Armes (AMIA), Cherchell, Algeria, 1979-1981, (Lecturer), French.
University of Missouri-Rolla, USA, 1977-1978, (Graduate Teaching Assistant), English.
University of Bab-Ezzouar, (Now USTHB) Algiers, Algeria, 1975-1976, (Teaching Assistant), French.
Ecole Notre Dame, Algiers, Algeria, 1973-1975, (Part
Time High School Teacher
of Mathematics, 10th and 11th grades), French.