Published and accepted Journal papers & Proceedings:
invariant measures for infinite dimensional SDE driven by Lévy noise with
dissipative nonlinear drift I.
Commun. Math. Sci. 15(4),
pp.957-983 (2017). (with S. Albeverio, L.
Dipersio and E. Mastrogiacomo).
A class of Lévy driven SDEs and their explicit invariant measures.
Potential analysis. 45 (2). pp. 229-259 (2016). DOI: 10.1007/s11118-016-9544-3. ( with S.Albeverio, L. Dipersio and E. Mastrogiacomo).
A Large diffusion Expansion for the Transition Function of Lévy OrnsteinUhlenbeck Processes, Appl.Math. Inf.Sci. 10,No.4, pp. 1-8 (2016).
On the representations of the canonical partition function and the Helmotz free energy. J. Comput. Theor. Nano. 13, pp. 8567-8570 (2016).
Asymptotic expansions for SDE's with small multiplicative noise. Stoch. Proc. Appl. 125 (3) (2015) pp.1009-1031 (with S. Albeverio).
Feynman Graph Representation to Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Lévy noise . Proceeding of the International Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Statistics 2013, Kuala Lumpur., pp. 213-222, Springer, IX, 2014.
Small noise asymptotic expansions for stochastic PDE's driven by dissipative nonlinearity and Lévy noise, Stoch. Proc. App. 123 (2013) pp. 2084-2109. (with S. Albeverio & E. Mastrogiacomo)
A Linked Cluster Theorem of the solution of the generalized Burger equation.," Appl. Mathe. Scien.(Ruse), vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 21-38, (2012).
Feynman graph representation of convolution semigroups and its applications to Lévy statistics. Bernoulli, V14(2). 322-351pp, (2008). (with H. Gottschalk and H. Thaler)
How to determine the law of the solution to a SPDE driven by a Lévy space-time noise. J. Math. Phys. V. 48, Issue 3.(2007)(with H. Gottschalk)
Convolution Calculus on whit noise spaces and Feynman graph representation of generalized renormalization flows. Mathematical Analysis of Random Phenomena. Word Sci. 2007 ,101-111pp with (H.Gottschalk and H. Ouerdiane)
Large deviation Principle for Stochastic differential equations driven by a Lévy space-time noise, Preprint (2018).
A graphical representation of the truncated moments of a mixed noise, Preprint (2018).
Asymptotic character of the transition function of of Lévy Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. Submitted (2018).