Example 3 (one repeated real eigenvalue giving only one eigenvector)
Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix
Or, using the eigenvals( ) command:
To compute the eigenvectors, we solve the system
So, we compute the row reduced echelon form of the matrix A - 3 I
to get the eigenvector
Next, choose
to get a second eigenvector
Note that the choices are made in such a way that we get two linearly independent vector.
Mathcad Implementation
Mathcad can compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a given matrix using the commands eigenvals( ) and eigenvecs( ) as follows:
Mathcad returns the eigenvectors as columns of a matrix
and the eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue l = 2 + i is
Case II: l = 2 - i
If we repeat the process as in case 1, we get the eigenvector
Remark 1: If the entries of the matrix A are all real, then the characteristic equation will be a polynomial with real coefficients. Thus, if A has a complex eigenvalue then its conjugate is also an eigenvalue of A. Consequently, the eigenvectors will also be conjugate of each other.
Remark 2: If v is an eigenvector of a matrix A, then any constant multiple of v is also an eigenvector of A (See textbook for proof).
Since we only have one arbitrary variable, the eigenvalue l = 3 (with multiplicity 2) is able to generate only one eigenvector. Such eigenvalue is called a deficient eigenvalue with deficiency one.
Example 4 (Complex eigenvalues)
Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix
Case I: l = 2 + i
Here, Mathcad has a problem finding the row reduced echelon form of a complex matrix:
So, we will do the reduction manually
R1 <---> R2
Therefore, the eigenvalues of the matrix A are l = 5 and l = 8.
Mathcad Implementation
Define I as the 2 x 2 identity matrix
Compute the determinant and use the solve command to obtain the roots
Now that we have the eigenvalues, we are can find the associated eigenvectors by solving the homogenous linear system given in equation (1). Namely,
Case I : (l = 5)
Recall that to solve such a homogenous system, we compute the row reduced echelon form of the coefficient matrix
6.1 The Eigenvalue Problem

A number l is said to be an eigenvalue of an n x n matrix A if there is a nonzero vector v such that A v = l v. The vector v is called an eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue l .
So, the question is: given an n x n matrix A, how do we find its eigenvalues and their associated eigenvectors?
The equation A v = l v can be rewritten as
or, taking v as a common factor
where I is the n x n identity matrix.

Note that we can look at the above equation as a homogenous linear system with matrix
A - l I as the coefficient matrix and v as the vector of unknowns. Such a system will have a nontrivial solution (since we are looking for a nonzero vector v) if and only if the determinant of A - l I is zero. That is
Equation (2) is called the characteristic equation . The equation is an nth degree polynomial in l whose roots are the eigenvalues of the matrix A.
Example 1
Find the eigenvalues of the matrix
To obtain the eigenvalues, we compute characteristic equation and then find its roots.
Thus, the characteristic equation is given by
Therefore, the eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue l = 8 is
Note: The two eigenvectors associated the the two eigenvalues are clearly linearly independent since neither is a scalar multiple of the other.
The previous example illustrates the case where the eigenvalues are distinct real numbers. The following examples will illustrate other possibilities
Example 2 (one repeated real eigenvalue giving two eigenvectors)
Find the eigenvalues and the associated eigenvectors of the matrix
Thus, the eigenvalue is l = 2 with multiplicity 2.
To find the associated eigenvector, we solve the system
Or, we simply compute the row reduced echelon form of the matrix A - 2 I (it is obvious but just to be systematic)
We can choose v2 to be any number except 0 because this will give us the zero vector as a solution and we are looking for a nonzero vector.
is the eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue l = 5
Case II : (l = 8)
Mathad is computing A - 8 I
Compute the row reduce echelon form