Graph of the basic function:
Shift the graph of the basic function up by two units
Check your answer by substituting x = 0 to verify that the graph passes by the point (0, 3)
b) find the domain, range and asysmptotes (if any) of f(x)
All real numbers
Range of basic function
add 2 to all sides of the inequality
Horizontal asymptote: As x --> - , y --> 2
Thus, the line y = 2 is a horizontal asymptote
c) find the inverse of f(x)
Interchange x and y:
Let . Find the value of y
Use the property:
Raise both side to power 3
5. If and , find
Change the base
Factor 300
6. Let
a) sketch the graph of f(x)
Take the antilog of all sides.
Keep the direction of the inequalities since is an increasing function
Another way:
Multiply by -1 and reverse the direction of inequality
Take the antilog and reverse the direction of the inequality since is a decreasing function.
Solve for y:
Take log base 2 of both sides
7. Solve for x
Cross multiply
Take natural log of both sides
8. Solve for x:
So, the graph of should pass by the point (2,0).
b) find the domain, range and asysmptotes (if any) of f(x)
Range: All real numbers
Vertical asymptote:
Thus, the line x = 3 is a vertical asymptote.
c) find the inverse of f(x)
Interchange x and y:
Solve for y:
Math 002-042
Major Quiz 1
Feb. 23, 2005
Student ID:
Section #.: 09
List #.:
Answer all questions. Show all your work
a) sketch the graph of f(x)
Graph of the basic function:
As discussed in class: When there is a combination of shifting and reflection about the y axis, we do the shifting first.
Shift the graph of to the left by 3 units to get the graph of
Reflect the graph of about the y axis to get the graph of
You may check your answer by substituting x = 2:
Upon checking the answers in the original equation, we find that x = - 23/3 is not a solution. Thus the solution set is { 3 }.
Write as a single logarithm and simplify your answer:
(Insert the coefficients inside the log as exponents)
Combine the logs
Find the solution set of the function
Multiply the equation by 3
Change base 8 to base 2
Use the property: