Linux Basic Commands by Sami Zhioua
These are the very basic linux commands discussed in the lecture. Remember that this is just an introduction and these are really the very basics of linux commands. You can find online plenty of docs and tutorials about more advanced commands and uses.
Command syntax:
command_name [options] [arguments]
to have details about a command:
man command_name
ls: lists the files in a folder
ls -l
ls -a
cd: to move between folders
cp: to copy files from one location
to another
cp -r (copy recursively)
mv: to move files
mv -i waits for confirmation in case of overwriting
rm : removes a file
rm -r : removes recursively the directories
mkdir: creates a directory
rmdir : deletes a directory
chmod: changes the access permission
of a file
three types of owner: user, group, others
access modes: read, write, execute
gzip, tar : compression
To unzip a compressed tar.gz file: tar -zvzf file_name.tar.gz
find : to search for files
to find all c files in the current directory: find . -name '*.c'
grep : searches for a specific string
in file(s)
grep buffer 007_hack3.c
to look for all occurrences of the word "buffer" in all c files, we have to
combine two commands together.
this is done with pipelining
find . -name '*.c' | xargs grep buffer
ps : lists all the running processes
to list all processes: ps -A
to look for a particular process : ps -A | grep skype
kill: kills a process by its id.