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The GetLocale Function


The GetLocale function returns the current locale ID.

A locale contains a set of user preference information: like language, country, region, and cultural conventions. The locale determines such things as keyboard layout, sort order, date, time, number, and currency formats.

The return value can be one of the 32-bit values shown in the Locale ID chart.



Example 1

dim c

Locale ID Chart

Locale Description Short String Hex Value Decimal Value
Afrikaans af 0x0436 1078
Albanian sq 0x041C 1052
Arabic – United Arab Emirates ar-ae 0x3801 14337
Arabic - Bahrain ar-bh 0x3C01 15361
Arabic - Algeria ar-dz 0x1401 5121
Arabic - Egypt ar-eg 0x0C01 3073
Arabic - Iraq ar-iq 0x0801 2049
Arabic - Jordan ar-jo 0x2C01 11265
Arabic - Kuwait ar-kw 0x3401 13313
Arabic - Lebanon ar-lb 0x3001 12289
Arabic - Libya ar-ly 0x1001 4097
Arabic - Morocco ar-ma 0x1801 6145
Arabic - Oman ar-om 0x2001 8193
Arabic - Qatar ar-qa 0x4001 16385
Arabic - Saudi Arabia ar-sa 0x0401 1025
Arabic - Syria ar-sy 0x2801 10241
Arabic - Tunisia ar-tn 0x1C01 7169
Arabic - Yemen ar-ye 0x2401 9217
Armenian hy 0x042B 1067
Azeri – Latin az-az 0x042C 1068
Azeri – Cyrillic az-az 0x082C 2092
Basque eu 0x042D 1069
Belarusian be 0x0423 1059
Bulgarian bg 0x0402 1026
Catalan ca 0x0403 1027
Chinese - China zh-cn 0x0804 2052
Chinese - Hong Kong S.A.R. zh-hk 0x0C04 3076
Chinese – Macau S.A.R zh-mo 0x1404 5124
Chinese - Singapore zh-sg 0x1004 4100
Chinese - Taiwan zh-tw 0x0404 1028
Croatian hr 0x041A 1050
Czech cs 0x0405 1029
Danish da 0x0406 1030
Dutch – The Netherlands nl-nl 0x0413 1043
Dutch - Belgium nl-be 0x0813 2067
English - Australia en-au 0x0C09 3081
English - Belize en-bz 0x2809 10249
English - Canada en-ca 0x1009 4105
English – Carribbean en-cb 0x2409 9225
English - Ireland en-ie 0x1809 6153
English - Jamaica en-jm 0x2009 8201
English - New Zealand en-nz 0x1409 5129
English – Phillippines en-ph 0x3409 13321
English - South Africa en-za 0x1C09 7177
English - Trinidad en-tt 0x2C09 11273
English - United Kingdom en-gb 0x0809 2057
English - United States en-us 0x0409 1033
Estonian et 0x0425 1061
Farsi fa 0x0429 1065
Finnish fi 0x040B 1035
Faroese fo 0x0438 1080
French - France fr-fr 0x040C 1036
French - Belgium fr-be 0x080C 2060
French - Canada fr-ca 0x0C0C 3084
French - Luxembourg fr-lu 0x140C 5132
French - Switzerland fr-ch 0x100C 4108
Gaelic – Ireland gd-ie 0x083C 2108
Gaelic - Scotland gd 0x043C 1084
German - Germany de-de 0x0407 1031
German - Austria de-at 0x0C07 3079
German - Liechtenstein de-li 0x1407 5127
German - Luxembourg de-lu 0x1007 4103
German - Switzerland de-ch 0x0807 2055
Greek el 0x0408 1032
Hebrew he 0x040D 1037
Hindi hi 0x0439 1081
Hungarian hu 0x040E 1038
Icelandic is 0x040F 1039
Indonesian id 0x0421 1057
Italian - Italy it-it 0x0410 1040
Italian - Switzerland it-ch 0x0810 2064
Japanese ja 0x0411 1041
Korean ko 0x0412 1042
Latvian lv 0x0426 1062
Lithuanian lt 0x0427 1063
FYRO Macedonian mk 0x042F 1071
Malay - Malaysia ms-my 0x043E 1086
Malay – Brunei ms-bn 0x083E 2110
Maltese mt 0x043A 1082
Marathi mr 0x044E 1102
Norwegian - Bokmål no-no 0x0414 1044
Norwegian – Nynorsk no-no 0x0814 2068
Polish pl 0x0415 1045
Portuguese - Portugal pt-pt 0x0816 2070
Portuguese - Brazil pt-br 0x0416 1046
Raeto-Romance rm 0x0417 1047
Romanian - Romania ro 0x0418 1048
Romanian - Moldova ro-mo 0x0818 2072
Russian ru 0x0419 1049
Russian - Moldova ru-mo 0x0819 2073
Sanskrit sa 0x044F 1103
Serbian - Cyrillic sr-sp 0x0C1A 3098
Serbian – Latin sr-sp 0x081A 2074
Setsuana tn 0x0432 1074
Slovenian sl 0x0424 1060
Slovak sk 0x041B 1051
Sorbian sb 0x042E 1070
Spanish - Spain es-es 0x0C0A 1034
Spanish - Argentina es-ar 0x2C0A 11274
Spanish - Bolivia es-bo 0x400A 16394
Spanish - Chile es-cl 0x340A 13322
Spanish - Colombia es-co 0x240A 9226
Spanish - Costa Rica es-cr 0x140A 5130
Spanish - Dominican Republic es-do 0x1C0A 7178
Spanish - Ecuador es-ec 0x300A 12298
Spanish - Guatemala es-gt 0x100A 4106
Spanish - Honduras es-hn 0x480A 18442
Spanish - Mexico es-mx 0x080A 2058
Spanish - Nicaragua es-ni 0x4C0A 19466
Spanish - Panama es-pa 0x180A 6154
Spanish - Peru es-pe 0x280A 10250
Spanish - Puerto Rico es-pr 0x500A 20490
Spanish - Paraguay es-py 0x3C0A 15370
Spanish - El Salvador es-sv 0x440A 17418
Spanish - Uruguay es-uy 0x380A 14346
Spanish - Venezuela es-ve 0x200A 8202
Sutu sx 0x0430 1072
Swahili sw 0x0441 1089
Swedish - Sweden sv-se 0x041D 1053
Swedish - Finland sv-fi 0x081D 2077
Tamil ta 0x0449 1097
Tatar tt 0X0444 1092
Thai th 0x041E 1054
Turkish tr 0x041F 1055
Tsonga ts 0x0431 1073
Ukrainian uk 0x0422 1058
Urdu ur 0x0420 1056
Uzbek – Cyrillic uz-uz 0x0843 2115
Uzbek – Latin uz-uz 0x0443 1091
Vietnamese vi 0x042A 1066
Xhosa xh 0x0434 1076
Yiddish yi 0x043D 1085
Zulu zu 0x0435 1077


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