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XMLwriter - A powerful XML Editor


XMLwriter is a powerful XML editor with a standard Windows interface.

XMLwriter provides an extensive range of functionality including XML, XSL, CSS, and DTD validation.

What is XMLwriter

XMLwriter is a powerful XML Editor, designed to help web authors and web application programmers take advantage of the latest XML and XML-related technologies such as XSL and XQL.

XMLwriter provides users with an extensive range of XML functionality such as: validation of XML documents against a DTD or XML Schema, and the ability to convert XML to HTML using XSL stylesheets. Users can also combine CSS with XML for direct formatting of XML data.

Especially designed to manage projects, XMLwriter's Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides useful project management features such as a structured Project View workspace, and batch validation of files within a project.

Professionally designed to meet Windows interface guidelines, XMLwriter users can expect a familiar and intuitive user interface. XMLwriter includes extensive on-line help as well as a guide to the XML specification.

XMLwriter is written entirely in C++, which makes it a fast and efficient editor compared to existing Java-based XML editors. It is a 32-bit program, aimed for systems running on Windows 95/98/2000 and Windows NT4.

XMLwriters Features

  • Validates XML documents

    XMLwriter validates your XML documents against a DTD or XML Schema using Internet Explorer's validating engine (MSXML). XMLwriter also gives you the choice to configure third party parsers to give you as much flexibility as possible! You can validate individual documents, or all of the documents in a project at once using the batch validation command. Validation results can be viewed in the error pane.

  • Well-formedness check for XML, XSL, or DTD files

    XMLwriter allows you to check whether your XML, XSL, or DTD files are well-formed. Results can be viewed in the errors pane or the status bar.

  • User Tools (Use Third-Party Parsers!)

    XMLwriter's User Tools allows you to run external applications from within XMLwriter. For example, using User Tools, you can use IBM's XML 4C parser to validate your XML documents, or LotusXSL to convert your XML documents to XSL. Each User Tool you configure is displayed on the Tools menu and toolbar for quick and easy access. You can optionally capture the output generated by User Tools within XMLwriter's Tool View, or in a new document.

  • Supports XSL and CSS stylesheets

    XMLwriter supports XSL, so you can transform the content and style of your XML documents into any output file format you wish. XMLwriter allows you to save the output file in its converted format. XMLwriter also supports CSS stylesheets for direct formatting of XML.

  • TagBarTM display of XML Schema documents

    XMLwriter's TagBar displays all of the elements defined within an XML Schema document in an easy-to-view, expandable element hierarchy. If you prefer mouse-driven editing, you can use TagBar to drag and drop elements into an XML document.

  • Tree view display of well-formed documents

    XMLwriter allows you to view any well-formed XML document in an expandable element tree.

  • Command line tool

    XMLwriter has a light-weight command line tool which allows you to perform XML validation and XSL conversion from the command line or a batch file. This is a particularly useful tool for server-side processing.

  • Editable document templates for all supported file types

    When you create a new file in XMLwriter, you can choose from a range of document templates. These templates have the basic set of markup required for each file type, and can be edited. The file types supported in XMLwriter are XML, XSL, DTD, HTML, CSS, and any text file.

  • XML Guide

    XMLwriter's help contains an XML Guide, which is a summary of the W3C's XML 1.0 specification. It is a quick reference guide to XML syntax. It includes XML syntax rules, examples to illustrate each rule, and tips on well-formedness and validity constraints.

  • Project View

    XMLwriter's Project View is a workspace window that allows you to view the files within a project in an expandable file tree. You can copy, rename, move or delete files within the Project View. Right-clicking on a file in Project View will present menu shortcuts such as Validate, Preview, and Convert Using XSL.

  • Performs batch validation and batch XSL stylesheet conversion

    XMLwriter allows you to validate and convert multiple files in a batch. This feature is particularly useful for large projects. For example, users running web servers can convert a batch of XML files -> HTML files, and output them directly to a web server for instant Internet publishing of XML data.

  • Instant color syntax highlighting

    XMLwriter has real-time color syntax highlighting, so you can easily distinguish between tags, attributes, comments and non-markup text. The syntax coloring feature recognizes all HTML 4.0 tags and attributes, CSS 2.0 properties, XSL and XSLT tags, formatting objects (fo), and DTD keywords. Unknown tags or keywords are highlighted. All colors can be customized to your preferences.

  • Internal browser preview, and external browser configuration

    You can preview your documents in XMLwriter's internal browser (which uses Microsoft's Internet Explorer rendering engine). If you prefer to use Netscape or another browser, you can select the external browser preview option.

  • Tabbed document windows

    XMLwriter gives you the option of displaying your document windows with or without tabs. Tabs allow you to navigate between multiple document windows quickly and easily.

  • Line numbers

    XMLwriter gives you the option of viewing line numbers in your document windows.

  • Dockable toolbars and workspace windows

    XMLwriter has dockable toolbars and workspace windows, so you can easily manipulate the on-screen environment. The toolbar and workspace windows can be toggled on and off, and documents can be edited at full-screen.

  • Multi-document user interface

    XMLwriter can display an unlimited number of documents simultaneously. The size and number of documents is limited only by your computer's available resources.

  • Text editing user interface

    XMLwriter has an easy-to-use, text editing interface. You can edit text within documents directly, without having to wade through tedious interfaces such as wizards and dialogue boxes.

  • Dialogue boxes for new users

    XMLwriter includes dialogue boxes to help new users get started. If you are an advanced user, simply select the don't show this again check box.

  • Tip of the day

    XMLwriter includes tip of the days on startup to give you handy hints on using the program more effectively. These can be turned off and accessed via the Help menu.

  • What's This? and online help

    You will never be far from help in XMLwriter. The comprehensive online help guide takes you through the how to's. To get a quick explanation of what something is, simply click anywhere in the program window after activating the What's This? help button on the toolbar.

  • External file modification detection

    XMLwriter detects external file modifications and gives you the option of reloading the modified file. If you prefer to always reload modified files, you can choose the automatic reload preference.

  • Syntax coloring of new file extensions

    XMLwriter allows you to specify new file extensions for the existing file types: XML, DTD, XSL, CSS, and HTML. For example, if you define a .3dml file to be an XML file type, XMLwriter will apply the XML syntax coloring to .3dml files. XMLwriter automatically recognizes a large number of additional common file extensions including .wml and .vml.

  • Customizable file filters

    XMLwriter allows you to create a new file filter, or, add new file extensions to existing file filters. File filters affect which type of files you can open and save. You can also rearrange file filters so that HTML files are shown by default in the Open dialogue box instead of XML files.

  • Line-wrapping option when loading files

    XMLwriter provides a line wrapping option when loading files. Using this option you can specify the column number at which to place a carriage return.

  • Create and save new document templates

    You can create as many new templates as you wish in XMLwriter. The templates you create are added to the File > New dialogue box, for easy access.

  • Automatic validation on open/save

    XMLwriter gives you the option of automatic validation when you open or save XML files.

  • Optionally create backups on save

    XMLwriter gives you the option of automatically backing up the previous version of each file you edit and save. You can also specify the file extension of backup files.

  • Indent/Un-indent

    You can indent or un-indent selections of text easily with XMLwriter's Indent and Un-indent toolbar buttons.

  • Drag and Drop editing

    Drag and drop editing is supported throughout XMLwriter. You can drag and drop files and folders within the project workspace, drag and drop tags from TagBar into a document window, and drag and drop text between and within document windows.

  • Bookmarking capabilities

    XMLwriter allows you to place plain or numbered bookmarks in your documents for easy referencing.

  • Find and Replace, Find Next.

    XMLwriter allows you to search for text in a document. The most recent searches are stored in a drop-down list box on the tool bar, for easy reselection.

  • Unlimited Undo/Redo

    XMLwriter allows unlimited undo and redo for quick and easy corrections.

  • Auto-indent

    You can nest tags more easily with XMLwriter's auto-indent feature. When you begin a new line, auto-indent positions your cursor at the same initial position as the text on the previous line.

  • Customizable toolbars, menus, and keyboard shortcuts

    XMLwriter is highly customizable. You can customize the existing toolbars or create new ones. You can add your own custom icons, remove icons, or rearrange the existing icons. You can also rearrange menu items, or change and add new keyboard shortcuts.

XMLwriter Homepage

To learn more about XMLwriter go to XMLwriter Homepage


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