ASP Tutorial
ASP Introduction
ASP Install
ASP Syntax
ASP Variables
ASP Procedures
ASP Forms
ASP Cookies
ASP Session
ASP Application
ASP #include
ASP Global.asa

ASP Objects
ASP Response
ASP Request
ASP Application
ASP Session
ASP Server
ASP Error

ASP FileSystem
ASP TextStream
ASP Drive
ASP File
ASP Folder
ASP Dictionary

ASP Components
ASP AdRotator
ASP BrowserCap
ASP Content Linking
ASP Content Rotator

ASP Quick Ref

ASP Examples
ASP Quiz Test

ADO Introduction

ASP Resources

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ASP Tutorial

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ASP Tutorial

In our ASP tutorial you will learn about ASP, and how to execute scripts on your server. You will also see that ASP is the most powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages. Start Learning ASP!

ASP References

At W3Schools you will find complete ASP references about built-in objects and components, and their properties and methods. ASP References.

ASP Quick Reference

ASP Quick Reference from W3Schools. Print it, and fold it in your pocket. ASP Quick Reference

ASP Examples

Learn by 100 examples! Because ASP scripts are executed on the server, you can not view ASP code in a browser, you will only see the output from ASP which is plain HTML. At W3Schools every example displays the hidden ASP code. This will make it easier for you to understand how it works. ASP Examples!

ASP Quiz Test

Test your ASP skills at W3Schools! Start ASP Quiz! 

Table of Contents

Introduction to ASP
What ASP is, what an ASP file is, how ASP works, and what ASP can do for you. 

Install ASP
How to run ASP on your own PC. 

ASP Syntax
The basics of ASP Syntax. Contains examples.

ASP Variables
The lifetime of variables, and a brief explanation about Session variables and Application variables. Contains examples.

ASP Procedures
How to call procedures and functions, how to call a JavaScript procedure from a VBScript and vice versa, and how to mix different script languages on the same page. Contains examples.

ASP Forms
How to get information from forms, and a few words about form validation. Contains examples.

ASP Cookies
What a cookie is, how to set a Cookie, how to get a Cookie, how to set Cookie paths, and how to handle browsers that do not support cookies. Contains Examples.

ASP Session
What a session is, how to set session variables, how to get session variables,  how to remove session variables, and how to loop through session variables.

ASP Application
What an application is, how to set application variables, how to get application variables,  and how to loop through application variables.

ASP #include
It is possible to insert the content of another file into an ASP file before the server executes it, with the #include directive.

ASP Global.asa
The Global.asa file is an optional file where you can specify event scripts and declare session and application objects that can be accessed by every page in an ASP application.

ASP Object References

ASP Response Object
The Response Object is used to send output to the user from the server. This chapter contains the methods, properties, and collections for the Response Object. Contains Examples.

ASP Request Object
When a browser asks for a page from a server, it is called a request. The Request Object is used to get information from the user This chapter contains the methods, properties,  and collections of the Request Object. Contains Examples.

ASP Application Object
The Application Object is used to share information among all users of a given application. This chapter contains the methods, collections, and events of the Application Object.

ASP Session Object
The Session Object is used to store information about or change settings for a user's current Web-server session. This chapter contains the methods, properties, collections, and events of the Session Object. Contains Examples.

ASP Server Object
The Server Object is used to access properties and methods on the server. This chapter contains the  methods and properties of the Server Object. Contains Examples.

ASPError Object
The ASPError Object is used to display detailed information of any error that occurs in scripts in an ASP page.

ASP FileSystemObject Object
The FileSystemObject object is used to access the file system on the server. This chapter contains the methods and properties of the FileSystem Object. Contains Examples.

ASP TextStream Object
The TextStream Object is used to access the contents of a file. This chapter contains the methods and properties of the TextStream Object. Contains Examples.

ASP Drive Object
The Drive Object is used to access the properties of a disk drive or network. This chapter contains the properties of the Drive Object. Contains Examples.

ASP File Object
The File Object is used to access the properties of a file. This chapter contains the methods and properties of the File Object. Contains Examples.

ASP Folder Object
The Folder Object is used to access the properties of a folder. This chapter contains the methods and properties of the Folder Object.

ASP Dictionary Object
The Dictionary object is used to store information. This chapter contains the methods and properties of the Dictionary Object. Contains Examples.

ASP Component References

ASP Ad Rotator Component
The Ad Rotator component creates an Ad Rotator object that displays a different advertisement each time a user enters or refreshes a page. Contains Examples.

ASP Browser Capabilities Component
The Browser Capabilities component creates a BrowserType object that gives you a description of the capabilities of the client's browser. Contains Examples.

ASP Content Linking Component
The Content Linking component creates a Nextlink object that holds a list of linked Web pages. You can treat the Web pages like a book. You can also use this component to generate and update tables of contents and navigational links. This is ideal for online newspapers and forum message listings. Contains Examples.

ASP Content Rotator Component
The Content Rotator component creates a ContentRotator object that displays a different HTML content string each time a user enters or refreshes a page.

ASP Quick Reference
ASP Quick Reference from W3Schools. Print it, and fold it in your pocket.

ASP Examples/Quiz

ASP Examples
Lots of ASP Examples !!!

ASP Quiz Test
Test your own ASP skills !!!


ADO Introduction
This chapter is an introduction to ActiveX Data Objects (ADO). Contains Examples.

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