ADO Tutorial
ADO Intro
ADO Connect
ADO Recordset
ADO Display
ADO Demo

ADO Objects
ADO Command
ADO Connection
ADO Error
ADO Field
ADO Parameter
ADO Property
ADO Record
ADO Recordset
ADO Stream

ADO Examples
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The WillConnect, ConnectComplete, and Disconnect Events


An event is a subroutine that can be called automatically after a specific operation has occurred.

  • The WillConnect event can be fired before a connection starts.
  • The ConnectComplete event can be fired after a connection starts.
  • The Disconnect event can be fired after a connection ends.


WillConnect ConnectionString,userid,psword,options,status,objcon
ConnectComplete objerror,status,objconn
Disconnect status,objconn

Parameter Description
ConnectionString A string that contains the information required for the connection
userid A string that contains the user name for the connection
psword A string that contains the password for the connection
options A long value that specifies how the provider should evaluate the ConnectionString. Can only be set to adAsyncOpen
objerror An Error object that contains the errors that occurred

Note: The EventStatusEnum value must be set to adStatusErrorsOccurred to create the Error object

status An EventStatusEnum value. Default is adStatusOK

However, when the ConnectComplete event is called, this parameter is set to adStatusCancel IF a WillConnect event calls for cancelling of the pending connection

objconn The Connection object that fired the event 

EventStatusEnum Values

Constant Value Description
adStatusOK 1 The operation that fired the event was successful
adStatusErrorsOccurred 2 The operation that fired the event failed
adStatusCantDeny 3 Cannot cancel the pending operation
adStatusCancel 4 Cancels the operation that fired the event
adStatusUnwantedEvent 5 Prevents subsequent notifications before the event method has finished executing


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