
The Small element specifies that the enclosed text should be displayed, if practical, using a small font (compared with the current font).

This is normal text, with <SMALL>this bit</SMALL> being small text.

would be rendered as:

This is normal text, with this bit being small text.

NOTE : Use of this element is currently supported by Netscape and the Internet Explorer only. They also allow the <SMALL> ... </SMALL> element to be used surrounding the <SUB> ... </SUB> and <SUP> ... </SUP> elements to force rendering of the sub/superscript text as text even smaller than the default slightly smaller (compared to the normal) text normally used. The exact appearance of the small text will change depending on any <FONT SIZE=...> and <BASEFONT SIZE=...> settings, if specified.

TITLE="informational ToolTip"
The Internet Explorer 4.0 (and above) specific TITLE attribute is used for informational purposes. If present, the value of the TITLE attribute is presented as a ToolTip when the users mouse hovers over the <SMALL> section.

LANG="language setting"
The LANG attribute can be used to specify what language the <SMALL> element is using. It accepts any valid ISO standard language abbreviation (for example "en" for English, "de" for German etc.) For more details, see the Document Localisation section for more details.

LANGUAGE="Scripting language"
The LANGUAGE attribute can be used to expressly specify which scripting language Internet Explorer 4.0 uses to interpret any scripting information used in the <SMALL> element. It can accept values of vbscript, vbs, javascript or jscript. The first two specify the scripting language as Visual Basic Script, the latter two specify it as using Javascript (the default scripting language used if no LANGUAGE attribute is set.

CLASS="Style Sheet class name"
The CLASS attribute is used to specify the <SMALL> element as using a particular style sheet class. See the Style Sheets topic for details.

STYLE="In line style setting"
As well as using previously defined style sheet settings, the <SMALL> element can have in-line stylings attached to it. See the Style Sheets topic for details.

ID="Unique element identifier"
The ID attribute can be used to either reference a unique style sheet identifier, or to provide a unique name for the <SMALL> element for scripting purposes. Any <SMALL> element with an ID attribute can be directly manipulated in script by referencing its ID attribute, rather than working through the All collection to determine the element. See the Scripting introduction topic for more information.

Every <SMALL> element in a document is an object that can be manipulated through scripting. Note that scripting of the <SMALL> element/object is only supported by Internet Explorer 4.0 in its Dynamic HTML object model. Netscape does not support direct scripting of the <SMALL> element at all.

<SMALL...> Properties
The <SMALL...> element/object supports all of the standard Dynamic HTML properties (i.e. className, document, id, innerHTML, innerText, isTextEdit, lang, language, offsetHeight, offsetLeft, offsetParent, offsetTop, offsetWidth, outerHTML, outerText, parentElement, parentTextEdit, sourceIndex, style, tagName and title). Details of these can be found in the standard Dynamic HTML properties topics.

<SMALL...> Methods
The <SMALL...> element/object supports all of the standard Dynamic HTML methods (i.e. click, contains, getAttribute, insertAdjacentHTML, insertAdjacentText, removeAttribute, scrollIntoView and setAttribute). Details of these can be found in the standard Dynamic HTML Methods topics.

<SMALL...> Events
The <SMALL...> element/object supports all of the standard Dynamic HTML events (i.e. onclick, ondblclick, ondragstart, onfilterchange, onhelp, onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup, onmousedown, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmouseup and onselectstart). Details of these can be found in the standard Dynamic HTML events topics.