
At present, the table HTML elements are :

<TABLE> - The Table delimiter
<TR ...> - Used to specify number of rows in a table
<TD ...> - Specifies table data cells
<TH ...> - Table Header cell
<CAPTION ...> - Specifies the table Caption

Internet Explorer has introduced support for various HTML 3.0 table elements. Those introduced are:

<THEAD> - specifies the Table head
<TBODY> - specifies the Table body
<TFOOT> - specifies the Table footer
<COLGROUP> - used to group column alignments
<COL> - used to specify individual column alignments

Also, some new attributes have been introduced. These are:

<TABLE BACKGROUND="..."> - specifies a background image for the table
<TH BACKGROUND="..."> - specifies a background image for the table header
<TD BACKGROUND="..."> - specifies a background image for table data cell
<TABLE FRAME="..."> - specifies the appearance of the Table frame
<TABLE RULES="..."> - specifies the appearance of the Table dividing lines

For some table examples, see the examples page.

Tables and Style Sheets.
All table elements (in fitting with being allowed in the <BODY> of a HTML document) can have style sheet information applied to them. This means that they can take the CLASS, ID and STYLE attributes within the elements as well as having their own definitions within the <STYLE> settings in the <HEAD> element. There are special considerations for tables within the style sheet specification though. Some detail about this can be found in the Tables and Style Sheets topic.