Filter Properties

The properties presented here are valid for any Visual Filter applied to an element. See that topic for more information about visual filters.

Value: filtername (param1, param2...)
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentage values: N/A

The filter property can be used to set which filter, or collection of filters are applied to the element. For more details, see Visual Filter topic.

Value: blendTrans (duration=time)
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentage values: N/A

The Blend Transition filter performs a fade (in or out) of the selected visual object.

Length of time the transition should take to complete. Value, double, float. Value is expressed in seconds.milliseconds (0.000).

For more details, see Visual Filter topic.

Value: revealTrans (duration=time, transition=transition)
Applies to: all elements
Inherited: no
Percentage values: N/A

The Reveal Transition Filter allows you to show or hide visual objects, using any of the 23 predefined types of patterns.

Length of time the transition should take to complete. Value, double, float. Value is expressed in seconds.milliseconds (0.000).
Shape of the transition (Reveal transition only). Integer. A value from 0 to 23. The transition shape is determined by one of the values shown in the following table.

Transition type Value
Box in 0
Box out 1
Circle in 2
Circle out 3
Wipe up 4
Wipe down 5
Wipe right 6
Wipe left 7
Vertical blinds 8
Horizontal blinds 9
Checkerboard across 10
Checkerboard down 11
Random dissolve 12
Split vertical in 13
Split vertical out 14
Split horizontal in 15
Split horizontal out 16
Strips left down 17
Strips left up 18
Strips right down 19
Strips right up 20
Random bars horizontal 21
Random bars vertical 22
Random 23