
NOTE : The use of Frames is currently only supported by recent versions of Netscape (from version 2.0) and Internet Explorer (3.0 and above)

Frames allow the browser display window to be sub-divided into separate sections, each of which can be updated, or have new documents loaded into it separately from the remaining frame sections. As such, a frame based layout can be especially useful for HTML applications where some information is required across a whole range of pages (such as a table of contents, or title graphics for example). Within this reference for example, frames are employed to allow constant access to the navigation controls.

Frames are generated by two elements: FRAMESET and FRAME. Netscape only supports full framed documents, while the Internet Explorer also supports floating frames

Frame Document
A Frame document has a basic structure very much like a normal HTML document, except the <BODY> container is replaced by a FRAMESET container which describes the sub-HTML documents, or Frames, that will make up the page.


No HTML that would normally be included within the <BODY> section of a HTML document should be included within the <FRAMESET> ... </FRAMESET> elements.

NOTE : For an explanation of a working frame example, see the example page.