This Netscape specific attribute allows text to be formatted in multiple columns. The <MULTICOL> element can be nested, producing multiple column layouts within multiple column layouts. It takes the following attributes :

This specifies the number of columns to be used to render the text. It accepts a numerical values. It is the only required attribute for the <MULTICOL> element.

If specified this setting (which accepts a pixel value) controls the amount of white space separating adjacent columns in the layout.

This specifies the width of the entire layout and can accept a pixel value, or a percentage value (which will be calculated as a percentage value of the browser window).

NOTE : As this element is Netscape specific, it may be wise to consider using a borderless <TABLE> based layout for the same effect. While this will not allow every available browser to view the content, it ensures a wider possible audience.

The following HTML fragment will display as three columns, using 25 pixels white space between each column, as shown below the example.

<P>Hello and Welcome to the HTML Reference Library. To those of you familiar with the previous incarnation of this project (The HTML Reference Library - HTMLib in Windows .HLP format) the content and working of these pages will probably be obvious. <P>To those of you new to the world of the HTML Reference Library, a little introduction :

displays as :

Hello and Welcome to the HTML Reference Library. To those of you familiar with the previous incarnation of this project (The HTML Reference Library - HTMLib in Windows .HLP format) the content and working of these pages will probably be obvious.

To those of you new to the
world of the HTML Reference Library, a little introduction

NOTE : The above example display is not entirely accurate. In Netscape resizing the browser window causes the text to be broken at different points, the above example doesn't, but it gives an idea of the use of the <MULTICOL> element.

As the <MULTICOL> element is Netscape specific and the Netscape scripting object model doesn't cover every element within documents, there are no properties, methods, or events for the <MULTICOL> element.