The Procurement Process and SAP

Step 1: Creating a Vendor Master Record

Create a vendor master in the system using the following information. We will not be filling in all screens but this exercise will take you through each screen so that you can review the data fields that are supported.


Logistics>Materials management> Purchasing> Master data> Vendor> Central> Create

Enter the following data

Field Name Input Data
Vendor 1852-XX
Company code 3000
Purch organization 3000
Account group EXTN

Select the enter icon to continue

Field Name Input Data
Name Your Name Wheel Manufacturer
Search term FIN361
Street 500 Paoli Pike
City West Chester
Postal code 19156
Country US
Region PA
Language E

Select Enter Icon to continue.

Create Vendor: Control Data

Select Enter Icon to continue

Create Vendor: Payment Transactions

Select Enter Icon to continue

Create Vendor: Accounting Information

Field Name Input Data
Reconcil account 160000
Planning group A1

Select Enter Icon to continue

Create Vendor: Payment Transactions

Field Name Input Data
Payment terms ZB01
Payment Methods C

Select enter icon to continue

Create Vendor: Correspondence

Select Enter Icon to continue

Create Vendor: Purchasing data

Field Name Input Data
Order currency USD
Payment terms ZB01
Salesperson Mr. Taylor
Telephone 214 555-5555

Select enter icon to continue

Create Vendor: Partner functions

Select enter icon to continue

The system displays the message "Last screen reached.."

Save the vendor by selecting the YES button.


The following is the unit scenario:

Motor Sports International's (MSI) basic procurement process for stock materials includes creating a purchase order, receiving the material, processing the vendor's invoice, and paying the vendor. All of MSI' S plants use this basic business process to procure stock material for issue in the production of motorcycles.

An MSI buyer creates a purchase order for a stock material. After the material has been received from the vendor, MSI always verifies the quantity received against the quantity on the purchase order. Once MSI receives the invoice from the vendor, MSI's accounts payable coordinator records the invoice, checks it against the purchase order and goods receipt, and prepares payment to the vendor.

The payment is then generated to the vendor according to the payment terms.

Create a purchase order. Record the system generated document number for the transaction.


Logistics>Material management>Purchasing>Purchase order>Create>Vendor known

Field Name Input Data
Vendor Use the Vendor Number you created above
Purchas Order type  NB
Purchasing organization 3000
Purchasing group 001
Delivery date Todays's date
Plant 3000
Storage location 0001

Select the enter icon to continue to the next screen

Enter the following data

Create Purchase order: Item Overview

Field Name Input Data
Material 1400-100-YY [YY must be a number from 01-20] subtract a multiple of ten from your number if your number is greater than 20
PO Quantity 100
Net Price 25.00
Plant 3000
Delivery Date Todays date

Select the save icon to complete this transaction.

NOTE Record your purchase number order in the space provided below You will need this number when the goods are received.


View the stock level to verify that the ordered quantity equals the amount of the purchase order.


Logistics>Materials management>Inventory management>Environment>Stock>Stock overview

Enter the following data:

Field Name Input Data
Material 1400-100-YY
Plant 3000
Storage location 0001

Select the ExecuteIcon to view the stock levels

Note Double click on plant 3000 New York to display the detailed stock movements.

Document the following fields:

Field Name Recorded Results
Unrestricted Use
Open order quantity.

Receipt of Ordered Goods

The goods are now at the dock and ready to be received in inventory. Post the goods receipt against the purchase order.


Logistics>Materials management>Inventory management>Goods movement>Goods receipt>For purchase order>PO number known

Goods Receipt for Purchase order: Initial Screen

Field Name Input Data
Movement type 101
Purchase order Enter the purchase order from the creation step above
Plant 3000
Storage location 0001

Select the enter icon to continue

Select the Copy Button to continue to next screen

Select the SAVE Icon to complete this transaction

Record the goods issue document number below:


View the stock level and check the recorded the results below.


Logistics>Materials management>Inventory management>Material document>Display

Enter the following data:

Field Name Input Data
Material document Results from previous step
Material document year Current year

Select enter icon to continue

Select Accounting docs button

Double click on the accounting document number

Complete the table below:

Field Name Amount
Debit amount to inventory account
Credit amount to goods receipt/invoice clearing account

Accounting department receives vendor invoice

The accounting department receives the invoice from the vendor. Enter the invoice into the system.


Logistics>Materials management>Invoice verification>Invoice verification>Document entry>Enter Invoice

Enter the following data

Enter Invoice Initial Screen

Field Name Input Data
Document date Today's date
Company code 3000
Currency USD
Purchase order Purchase number from previous transaction

Select enter icon to continue

Enter Invoice: Vendor Items

Field Name Input data
Amount 2500

Select enter icon to continue to the next screen

Select the Simulate button to continue to the next screen

NOTE the debits and credits should be equal

Select the save icon to complete this transaction. Record the document number in the space provided below.


Display the purchase order history to review the accounting document generated in the previous exercise. Which accounts are updated?

Paying the bill from the Vendor


Accounting> Financial accounting> Accounts payable> Document entry> Outgoing payment> Post

Field Name  Input Data
Document date Todays date
Bank data Account  113100 
Business area  3000
Amount  2425
Open item selection account  1852-XX 

Select Process Open items button

The next screen works the same as Accounts Receivable processing. If the difference is zero you can save to complete the transaction

Select the Save Icon


Logistics>Materials management>Purchasing>Purchase order>Display

Field Name Input data
Purchase order defaults

Select enter to continue

Select PO History button

Select the IR document number and then select the magnifying glass button or F2



Reporting and Analysis

Motor Sports international MSI routinely reviews all areas of its organization to identify opportunities to reduce costs and improve efficiency. MSI reviews historical information to evaluate proposals, estimate costs for product development, and plan for future productions. Functional areas are responsible for regularly reviewing their transactions and activities.

MSI must have access to purchasing information to process material requests from all areas of the company and respond to vendor inquiries. MSI frequently reviews the status of purchase requisitions or purchase orders to determine the last date a material was requisitioned, ordered, received, or invoiced. MSI also reviews the inventory history of the material to verify when and how it was used.

List Processing

Create a purchase order list display for your purchasing group by creating a variant


Logistics>Materials management>Purchasing>Purchase order>List displays>By vendor

Purchasing Documents for Vendor

Field Name Input Data
Purchasing organization 3000
Purchasing group 001
Plant 3000

Note you can change the selection parameters field to report on open invoices, open goods receipt, goods receipt exists, etc.

Select the execute icon


The system displays the purchase order list.

What is the number of 1400-100-YY still to be delivered? _____________________________

Standard Reporting

Review the inventory transaction history for the material listed below.


Logistics>Materials management>Inventory management>Environment>List displays>Mat. doc. for material

Field Name Input Data
Material 1400-100-yy

Select the Execute icon


The system displays all inventory transactions for the material.

Note the customer number and amounts that the stock was shipped to.


Logistics Information System

Review the performance of your purchasing group by perfoming a stanrd purchasing group analysis using the data below


Logistics>Materials management>Purchasing>Purchase order>Reporting>Purch. Info. System>Standard analyses>Purchasing group

Purchasing Group Analysis-Selection

Field Name Input Data
Purchasing organization 3000
Purchasing group 001

Select the Execute icon.

The system displays the list of order values and invoice values for your selection criteria.

Add a key figure (PO item scheduled lines to the standard analysis to determine the total number of purchase order. Select the following menu path to add a key figure to your report.


Edit>Choose Key figs

The system displays a window indicating the key figures that are already on your report.

To add the PO item sched lines key figure select the Selection list button.

Scroll up or down on this window until you see the PO item sched. lines field

Place an X to the left of that field and then select the Copy + close button

Select the Copy button


The system displays the report with the additional field PO item scheduled labelled as Ord. it. Sch.