Revised 04/04/1999
The first step in general manufacturing planning is to create independent demand requirements for each product. For some products, MSI forecasters and master planners create a complete Sales and Operations Plan (SOP). For other products, the forecasters create the independent requirements direcdy. In these exercises, the MSI planners have already created the Sales and Operations Plan (SOP).
After creating the independent requirements, MSI's master planners create a Master Production Schedule (MPS) for each finished producL The master planners use this production schedule to confirm the highlevel production activities hefore the detalled requirements are calculated.
Next, MSI runs Material Requirements Planning (MRP) to determine the dependent requirements and plan the supply of all components listed in each finished product's bill of material. This process satisfies requirements for all components, including both manufactured and purchased materials.
Finally, the MSI production controller releases production orders to the shop floor, issues the appropriate quantity of component material, reports production activity (such as labor time), completes the production order, and receives the goods into inventory.
In this exercise you will create a Sales and Operations Plan for a motorcycle. This plan will create production orders for the finished product. The MRP for the finished product will also create a production order for a subassembly, the powertrain. You will carry out the manufacture of the subassembly only in this example.
Logistics>Production>SOP>Planning>For Material>Change
Field Name | Input data |
Material | 1300-1500-xxx |
Plant | 3000 |
Version | Active |
Fill in the Production Plan for the Next Four months
Month | Quantity |
month1 | 50 |
month2 | 100 |
month3 | 75 |
month4 | 25 |
Make sure priduction levels are blank for all four months
Select enter icon to continue
Select the save icon
Logistics>Production>Master Planning>Demand management>Environment>Stock/reqmts list
Field Name | Input Data |
Material | 1300-1500-xxx |
Plant | 3000 |
Select Enter icon
Record the independent requirements for months 1-4
Change the sales and operations plan and create a production plan for the material specified.
Logistics>Production>SOP>Planning>For material>Change
Field Name | Input Data |
Material | 1300-1500-xxx |
Plant | 300 |
Version | Active |
Target Stock Level | 25 for each month |
Use the following menu path to carry out the production plan using these target stock levels.
Edit>Create production plan>Target stock level
Record the new production plan for the next four months
Month1 _____________
Month 2_______________
Month 3_______________
Month 4
Select the save icon to change the production plan
Logistics>Production>SOP>Disaggregation>Trsf.mat to dm mngt
Field Name | Input Data |
Material | 1300-1500-xxx |
Plant | 3000 |
Version | A00 |
Production plan for material or PG members | select |
fro | today's date |
Invisible transfer | deselected |
Active | selected |
Select the Transfer now button
Note: you might receive a message "Requirement was already available and was changed" This will occur if there is an existing demand plan created via SOP. If you receive this message your transfer is complete and you should only record the requirements type.
Select the enter icon
Record the Requirements type and the planned quantity
RQType _______________
Planned quantity _____________
Select the Save icon
Display the stock/requirements list to view the changed planned independent requirements.
Logistics>Production>Master planning>Demand management>Environment>Stock/reqmts list
Enter the following data
Field Name | Input Data |
Material | 1300-1500-xxx |
Plant | 3000 |
Select enter icon
Record the independent requirments for months 1-4
Run single-item, single level MPS for the material specified.
Logistics>Production>Master planning>MPS>MPS>Sng-item,sng-level
Field Name | Input Data |
Material | 1300-1500-xxx |
Plant | 3000 |
Processing key | NETCH |
Create pur. req | 3 |
Deliv. Schedule | 1 |
Create MRP list | 1 |
Planning mode | 1 |
Scheduling | 1 |
Planning date | Today's date |
Display result | select |
Select enter icon
Note the systems displays the warning message "Please check input parameters"
Select the enter icon again
Are there any new MRP elements?
Select the SAVE icon.
To see the Bill of Materials for the Finished Product
Logistics>Production>Master Data>Bill of Materials>Bill of Material>Material BOM>Display
Field Name | Input Data |
Material | 1300-1500-xxx |
Plant | 3000 |
BOM Usage | 1 |
Select enter icon to continue
How many assemblies are required for the finished product?
Display the MRP list for the material to confirm the results of the MPS run.
The MRP list should now reflect the independent requirements values entered in the sales and operations plan and the planned orders for the top level material generated in the MPS run.
Logistics>Production>Master planning>MPS>Evaluations>MRP list- material
Field name | Input data Material |
Material | 1300-1500-XX |
Plant | 3000 |
Select Enter icon to continue
Are there any independent requirements from the sales and operations plan?
Were any planned orders generated during MPS
Do not back totally our of this transaction until you read the next activity.
Display the stock requirements list for a direct component of material 1300-1500-xxx The direct componenets of this top-level material reflect only dependent requirements, and no planned orders.
Access the stock requirements list, by clicking the Back icon until you reach the Master Production Scheduling screen
Select the following path:
Evaluations>Stock/requirmts list
Field Name | Input Data |
Material | 2300-101-xxx |
Plant | 3000 |
Select the enter icon
Are there any dependent requirements generated during MPS?
Are there any planned orders?
Run single-item, multi-level MRP for the material specified. Determine the materials that were included in the planning run.
Logistics>Production>MRP>MRP>Sng-item, multi-lvl
Field Name | Input Data |
Material | 2300-101-XX |
Plant | 3000 |
Processing key | NETCH |
Create pur. req | 2 |
Deliv. Schedule | 1 |
Create MRP list | 1 |
Planning mode | 1 |
Scheduling | 1 |
Planning component | select |
Display result | deselect |
Dksplay mat. List | select |
Select the Enter Icon
The system reports the number of materials planned.
Click on the Materials button to display the planned orders as a result of running MRP.
Record the materials listed as the result of the MRP run.
Display the stock requirements list to view the dependent requirements and planned orders for the material specified. Then compare it to the MRP List.
Logistics>Production>MRP>Evaluations>Stock/reqmts list
Field Name | Input Data |
Material | 2300-101-XX |
Plant | 3000 |
Were planned orders generated for this component?
Convert the planned order for the material into a production order.
Logistics>Production>MRP>Evaluations>Stock/reqmts list
Field Name | Input Data |
Material | 2300-101-XX |
Plant | 3000 |
Select the enter icon
To convert the first planned order in the list, place your cursor on the planned order.
Environment>Convert>Plnd Ord. To prod ord
Field Name | Input Data |
Total quantity | Accept the proposed quantity from the planned order. |
Select the Operations button to record the workcenter number.
Workcenter # _______________
Operation description ________________
Select the component button to verify the correct components are listed
Field Name | Input Data |
Component item 0010 | 3300-113-yy do not change theses numbers |
Component item 0020 | 3300-120-yy do not change theses numbers |
Component item 0030 | 3300-130-yy do not change theses numbers |
Select the Save icon to save the production order
Now that you have converted the planned order to a production order use the follwing menu path to review the current situation.
Document the production order number
Release the production order to the shop floor. Production orders must be released to the shop floor before any component material is issued or any finished product is received.
Logistics>Production>Production Control>Order>Release
Field Name | Input Data |
Order Type | PP01 |
Plant | 3000 |
Order | Use the system generated number recorded in the activity above. |
Date Selection (Release from and to | Delete default dates |
Select the Execute icon and verify the status
Field Name | Input Data |
Select the box to the left of the order.
Select the Release button
Issue all component material to the production order and confirm by displaying the stock/requirements list.
Logistics>Production>Production Control>Environment>Goods movement>Goods issue>Goods issue>Create w. reference> To order
Field Name | Input Data |
Order | Use the system generated production order number generated in the previous activity. |
Storage Location | 0001 |
Plant | 3000 |
Select the enter icon
Field Name | Input Data |
Quantity | Enter the quantity you want to issue for the first,second and third components |
Select the Copy button
Select the Enter icon
Select the Save icon
Document the system generated goods issue number
Confirm completion of all production activity by milestone as proposed for labor and quantity.
Logistics>Production>Production Control>Confirmation>Enter>For order
Field Name | Input Data |
Order | Use the system generated production order number recorded in the previous activity |
Select the Enter icon
Field Name | Input Data |
Final confirmation | Select |
Yield to confirm | Enter the total quantity on the order as shown in the Total to confirm column (located to the right of this field) |
Select the save icon
Receive the finished product into the inventory for the stock location specified
Logistics>Production>Production Control>Environment>Goods movement>Goods receipt>Goods receipt>Create w. reference>To order
Field Name | Input Data |
Movement type | 101 |
Storage location | 0001 |
Order | Use the system generated production order from activity above. |
Plant | 3000 |
Select the Enter icon
Select the Save icon
Document the goods receipt document number
Cost Analysis of the Order
Logistics>Production>Production control>Order>Display
Field Name | Input Value |
Order | Enter the order number from the previous activity |
Compare the planned v. actual costs for the order.