Human Resources Management

Enter User parameters. These will default certain screens and values for the U.S.


System> User profile > User parameters

Enter PID field value, table to Parameter field and enter parameter value.

PID Parameter Value
MOL 10
UGR 10
BEN 10
PBR 3000

Select the enter Save icon



Human resources> Personnel admin > HR master data> Personnel file

Review an employee's personnel record and document the information in the table below.

Enter the personnel number from the table below.

Field Name Input Data
Personnel number 900XX

Record the requested data in the tables below:

Select the Display icon.

Events (Infotype 0000)

Field Name Data
Personnel area
Employee group
Employee subgroup

Hint: Navigate with the Previous screen and Next screen icons located in the left corner on the Application Toolbar.

Organizational Assignment (Infotype 0001)

Field Name Data
C. code
Payr area

Personal Data (Infotype 0002)

Field Name Data
Last Name
First Name

Payroll Status (Infotype 0003)Select the Next record icon

Leave Entitlement (Infotype 0005)Select the Next record icon

Addresses (Infotype 0006)Select the Next record icon

Planned Working Time (Infotype 0007)

Field Name Data
Work Schedule rule

Basic Pay (Infotype 0008)

Field Name Data
P.Scale type
Wage types

Family/Related Perso (Infotype 00210Select the Exit icon

Date Specifications (Infotype 0041)Select the Exit icon.

Select the Back icon to return to the main menu


You have been informed that Motor Sports International wants to create a new position within their organization. Create this new position for the organizational unit, Customer Support. Be sure to record the position number.


Human resources > Planning > Organization

Select the Change OrgPlan button

Enter the data from the following table:

Field Name Input Data
Organizational Unit 50010497 (Object ID for Customer Support)
Editing Period 01/01/1997 to 12/31/9999

Select the Change icon

Highlight a letter in the Organizational Unit "Customer Support- Group XX" line

Select the Staff assignment button.

Select the Positions... button

Field Name Input Data
Choose describing job: Abbr Svc Tech I
Postion: Abbr. Svc Tech XX
Number of requested 1
Validity of Position 01/01/1998 to 12/31/9999

Select the Save icon

Document the position number.If the position number execute the following menu path:


View> Key on



Human resources> Personnel admin

Select the personnel events button

Enter the following data

Field Name Input data
Personnel number 10001XX
From 01/01/19YY

Select the WB100 Hiring event type radio buttons subgroup on

Select the enter icon

Events (Infotype 0000)

Field Name Input data
Position Created in exercise above
Personnel area 3000
Employee group 1
Employee subgroup[ U4

Select the save icon

Personal Data (Infotype 0002)

Field Name Input Data
Last Name Your choice
First Name Your choice
SSN Your choice
Birth date 03/22/1968
Gender Your choice

Select the save icon

Organizational Assignment (Infotype 0001)

Field Name Input data
P.subarea 3000
Payr. area US

Select the save icon

Addresses (Infotype 0006)

Field Name Input data
Address line 1 55XX Oak Lane
City Philadelphia
State/zip code PA/19114
Telephone number (215) 5551212

Select the save icon

enter PBKX in the Tax area pop-up box

Planned Working Time (Infotype 0007)

Field Name Input data
Work schedule rule NORM

Select the cancel icon in the Residence Tax Area (Infotype 0207)

Enter data from the following table:

Basic Pay (Infotype 0008)

Field Name Input data
P. scale type 01
P scale area 01
PS group GRD01
Wage types M003
Wage type amount 2000

Select the Save icon

Enter data from the following table:

Gen Benefits Data (Infotype 0171)

Field Name Input data
Area 10
Benfits group SALY
Status FULL

Select the save icon

Select the back icon twice to return to the main menu.


You have identified a gap in the employee's experience. Book the employee in the appropriate course.


Human resources > Planning > Training and events

Select the Attendance Menu button.

On the Dynamic Attendance Menu screen\, select the Word Processing Business event group by clicking on the folder before word processing

Select the business event type Word 6.0 by clicking on the folder.Select the text for the Word 6.0 class that begins on the Monday of the next week.

Select the Book button

Enter Attendee name 10001XX

Select the Book button. Message: "Attendance booked" appears.

Select the Back icon twice

CHALLENGEDisplay the employee you booked in the class.


Enter the employee travel privileges.

For employee expenses to be entered into the system, the employee must be granted travel privileges. Create infotype 0017 to grant travel privileges.


Human resources >Personnel admin

Select the Maintain master data button


Enter the employee 10001XX.

Enter 0017 in the Infotype field in the Core personal data section

Select the Create icon.

Field Name Input Data
From Monday of the current week
Internal assignment G10

Select the Save icon.


Your employee has recently returned from a business trip and has forwarded his expenses to you. Enter expenses for Monday and Tuesday of next week.


Human resources > Travel expenses

Select the Receipt entry button

Enter the Personnel NO 10001XX

Select the Create icon.

Field Name Input data
Framework data: from Monday of next week
Framework data: to Tuesday of next week
Framework data: BusPurp Word 6.0
Framework data: Loc Atlanta
PD/FR accounting: MI 33
Country US
Trip type A
Vehic. Type C
R>No. (Receipt #) ExTyp Amount
001 BRFT 7.82
002 LNCH 15.00
003 DINN 32.75
004 HTL 267.63
005 RCAR 179.55

Select the Save icon.

Maintain trip status by selecting the radio buttons Approval Trip completed and Accounting To be accounted.

Select the Save icon.