Customer Order Management


One of the key strengths of enterprise management systems is the integration of business functions. This process starts with the contact with a potential customer. This process of customer ordering is at the heart of the information system. The chart above shows the integration of sales and distribution to capture the order and ship the goods, material management to control the inventory, financial accounting to manage the billing and flow of cash, controlling to measure the profitability of operations and production planning to ensure an economical flow of goods to inventory and customers.

The logic of the organization of master data and other procedures in the system is built on Organizational elements. These are:

Master Data contains the records that remain in the database over an extended period of time, are maintained centrally and shared across application modules to eliminate data redundancy.

Customer Master Data is shared between the accounting and sales and distribution departments

The system copies data from one document into another to reduce data entry and make problem resolution easier.

The following interfaces are connected to the sales process:

Invoicing is a major interface point in the system: