Research Interests:
- Cryptography, Public-key Cryptography, Zero-knowledge proofs
- Group Theory, Elliptic-curves, Complexity Theory, Algorithms
- Coding Theory, Error-Correcting Codes
- Sulaiman Al-Bassam, Ramarathnam Venkatesan, Sultan Al-Muhammadi,
"New single asymmetric error-correcting codes",
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43(5): 1619-1623, 1997
(Full text: pdf)
- Sultan Al-Muhammadi and Sulaiman Al-Bassam,
"A new Single Asymmetric Error Correcting Code",
IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, May 1997
(Full text: pdf)
- Sulaiman Al-Bassam, Sultan Al-Muhammadi,
"A single asymmetric error-correcting code with 213 codewords of dimension 17",
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(1): 269-271, 2000
(Full text: pdf)
- Sultan Almuhammadi, Nien T. Sui and Dennis McLeod,
"Better Privacy and Security in E-Commerce:
Using Elliptic Curve-Based Zero-Knowledge Proofs",
Proceeding of the IEEE CEC'04, San Diego, California, pp. 299-302, July 2004
(Full text: pdf,
- Sultan Almuhammadi and Clifford Neuman,
"Security and Privacy Using One-Round Zero-Knowledge Proofs",
Proceeding of the IEEE CEC'05, Germany, July 2005
(Full text: pdf,