ICS 331: System Software (981)

Programming Assignment # 3

Date: November  24, 1998                                                                                                                Due Date: December  8, 1998


Problem Statement:

Design and implement a one-pass SIC/XE macro processor that reads an assembly program, as input, and produces an extended file, similar to the one produced in the textbook, as an output.

Detailed Requirements

  1. The developed macro processor should be similar to the one in the textbook. It should alternate between macro definition and macro expansion.
  2. The macro processor should read an input file "xxx.asm" and produces an output file "xxx1.asm". The output file should be similar to the one in the textbook.


Each team should submit, on the due date of the assignment, the following:

  1. A detailed algorithm of the loader developed similar to the one shown in the textbook on pp. 178-179. The algorithm should be typed. This will get 30% of the project grade
  2. Extra marks will be given for a flowchart of the algorithm using any drawing application such as ABC Flowcharter of Visio.
  3. A print out of the "C" code for the assignment together with the input file and the output files. The program will get 70% of the project's grade. The program should be well documented. Documentation will get 14% of the project's grade. The program should be used and tested with the object program in Figure 4.1 in pp. 178 in the textbook.
  4. An electronic copy of the items in 1-3 above in a 3.5 floppy disk.
  5. The team may be asked to make a demo of their system.