ICS 331: System Software (981)

Homework # 2

Date: Novomber 1, 1998                                                                                                                             Due Date: Novomber 8, 1998


Question 1 (2- pp. 167)                                                                                                                                                                          (20 Points)

If a computer uses direct addressing and it has different instruction formats, then this will cause the following problems for the relocation bits technique:

  1. Relocation bits cannot be associated with a single word, they need to be associated with different combinations
    of words depending on the instruction format.

  2. Relocation masks will be different from one text record to another text record.

One solution to this problem is to attach the relocation bit to the instruction. For example, the leftmost bit of each instruction will be a relocation bit.
When this instruction needs to be relocated that bit is set to one (1). Otherwise, it is left as zero (0).


Question 2 (8- pp. 167)                                                                                                                                                                      (35 Points)

To use the reference number technique we need a new data structure, namely a one-dimension array. The subscript of this array is the reference
number of the symbol corresponding to it. This array, which we will call the Reference Table (REFTAB) will be used locally in each control section.
It looks like the following:


Control Section Address


Ext. Sym. 1 Address


Ext. Sym. 2 Address


. . .


. . .

Now, we need to modify the algorithm in Figure 3.11 to use the above changes. The modification should be done only to Pass 2 since it is only then
the addresses of all external symbols are defined. The lines that are added or modified are shown in italic.

begin {PASS 2}

. . .

While record type ¹ 'E do


  if record type = 'R' then

    for each symbol in the record search ESTAB to obtain its address and store it in REFTAB using the reference number in the Refer record.

  end {if 'R'}

   . . .

  else if record type ='M' then


     search REFTAB using modifying symbol number to obtain the actual address

     add or subtract symbol value at location (CSADDR + actual address)

  end {if 'M'}

  . . .


Question 3 (1- pp. 171)                                                                                                                                                                      (45 Points)

To handle automatic library search by the linking loader we need to modify Pass 1 of the algorithm in Figure 3.11 while Pass 2 will not change.We will
check every symbol in the Refer record with the symbols in the ESTAB. If it is there we ignore it, otherwise we enter it and indicates that its value is
undefined. If the symbol is later defined in a Define record we enter its address in the ESTAB. By the end of Pass 1 we search the ESTAB for undefined
symbols. If we found any we call  the operating system through a service request to obtain the address from the library. If the symbol is not found then
we flag it as an error "Undefined external symbol", otherwise we enter its address in the ESTAB. The lines that are added or modified are shown in italic.

Begin {PASS 1}

. . .

  While record type ¹ 'E do


   if record type = 'R' then {enter symbols in the ESTAB if they were not there}

     for each symbol in the record do


       search ESTAB for symbol name

       If not found then

         enter symbol in ESTAB with value * "undefined".

    end {for}

   else if record type = 'D' then

     for each symbol in the record do


       search ESTAB for symbol name

       if found and value ¹ '*' then {if the symbol is already there with value ¹ '*'}

          set error flag (duplicate external symbol)

       else {if the symbol is already there with value '*' or is not there}

          enter symbol into ESTAB with value (CSADDR + indicated address)

    end {for}

  end {while ¹ 'E'}

  add CSLTH to CSADDR {starting address for next control Section}

end {while not EOF}

for each symbol in ESTAB do


  if the address value is not defined '*' then

     call O. S. to search for the symbol in the routines library

      if found then

         store the address in the ESTAB


         set error flag (undefined external symbol name)

end {for}

end {PASS 1}