

The following errors have been found in the third printing:


1.       p. 53, LISP example program, line 4 should be: ; if the two lists are equal, and NIL (false) otherwise

2.       line 5 should be: (DEFUN equal_lists (lis1 lis2) line 9, "equal" should be "equal_list" line 10, "equal" should be "equal_list"

3.       p. 60, ALGOL 60 example program, line 12, "&" should be "L"

4.       p. 125, line 2, "next_token) ==" should be "next_token =="

5.       p. 207, line 22, "'A'..'U'" should be "'A'..'O'"

6.       p. 232, line 2 (after Figure 5.9), "half as much" should be "the same"

7.       p. 243, 13th last line, "Ada" should be "Ada-83"

8.       p. 301, 3rd last line, "then-else simulation" should be "then-elsif simulation"

9.       p. 308, line 3, "loop" should be "loop;"

10.   p. 309, 9th last line, "0.0" should be "1.0"

11.   p. 313, line 6, "exit;" should be "exit; end if;"

12.   p. 346, line 1, "Ada" should be "Ada-83"

13.   p. 355, 19th last line, "(a : integer, b : integer)" should be "(a : in out integer, b : in out integer)"

14.   p. 362, just before 3rd last line, insert the lines, procedure INTEGRATE (LOWERBD : in FLOAT; PPERBD : in FLOAT; RESULT : out FLOAT);

15.   p. 363, line 8,  "INTEGRATE_FUN1" should be "procedure INTEGRATE_FUN1"

16.   p. 386, Figure 9.6, replace caption with: The activation record for factorial replace "N" on the parameter line with "n"

17.   p. 420, line 15, "data" should be "types and constants"

18.   p. 422, 19th last line, "STK.TOPSUB = 0" should be "STK.TOPSUB = 0;"

19.   p. 424, last line, "in its header" should be "its header"

20.   p. 454, line 10, "conventional" should be "unconventional"

21.   p. 457, 12th last line, "binary" should be "unary"

22.   p. 461, last line, 3rd last line, and 4th last line, "ourPen" should be "OurPen"

23.   p. 462, lines 5, 10, and 11, "ourPen" should be "OurPen"

24.   p. 478,  line 16, "FRED : (" should be "FRED : PERSON := (" line 17, "FREDDIE "(" should be "FREDDIE : STUDENT := (" line 21, "FRED" should be "FREDDIE"

25.   p. 510, lines 15 & 16, "each accept clause" should be "each entry clause"

26.   p. 512, add the following line just before the 15th last line: "BUF : BUF_PTR;" 14th last line, "BUF_PTR" should be "BUF" 13th last line, "They" should be "Statically created tasks" 10th last line, add the following sentence between the two sentences on this line: "Tasks created with new begin executing immediately."

27.   p. 514, 7th last line, "procedures or tasks" should be "tasks"

28.   p. 516, 8th last line, "those priorities does not" should be "those priorities do not"

29.   p. 517, line 13, "alternatively" should be in alternating fashion"

30.   p. 518, 5th last line, "accept" should be "entry"

31.   p. 519, line 3, "accept" should be "entry"

32.   p. 522, 17th last line, "other methods" should be "other synchronized methods" 2nd last line, "numbering" should be "number"

33.   p. 536, paragraph 5, line 2, "exception, handling" should be "exception handling,"

34.   p. 546, paragraph 7, line 1, "occurs in a" should be "occurs at the outermost level in a"

35.   p. 547, 9th last line, "is 0..125;" should be "is range 0..125;"