King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Department of Information and Computer Science

ICS 313: Fundamentals of Programming Languages

Fall 1999-2000



Announcements for the Week of

9th October – 15th October 1999


1.   Announcements:




Major exam solution is available now.

Check course page and tests section.

Extra Sessions on Java

There will be three (may be more if needed) lectures on Java starting from Monday (11th October 1999), one each week in the PC-lab 22/410 SMW 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm.


Tentatively the plan is:

Lecture 1 (11th October 1999): Introduction to Java -- Installation, basic programs, overview of Java + Elementary aspects of Java, i.e., C-kind of programming

Lecture 2 (18th October 1999): Core classes and packages essential for java programmers

Lecture 3 (25th October 1999): Other classes and packages for faster development – concurrency, exception handling, files, networking, graphics etc.


In view of the limited capacity of the lab and the large demand/interest, there will be a repetition of those lectures.

Lecture 1 will be repeated on 13th and 16th October 1999.

Lecture 2 will be repeated on 20th and 23rd October 1999.

Lecture 3 will be repeated on 27th and 30th October 1999.


You’re expected to pick up one of the three repeats and sign up a sheet posted outside the offices of:

Dr. Sahalu Junaidu     (22-101)  ç Saturday Sessions

S. Ghanta                  (22-321)  ç Monday Sessions

Dr. Talal Maghrabi     (22-108)  ç Wednesday Sessions.


The maximum capacity of each is about 30 due to the lab size. If you cannot get into one session, you might try another one that is free. And please confine all your questions related to Java to those sessions.




2.   Assignments:




Home Pages

Check out the link “Homepages of Students in this Section” on the course page and see if your homepage is reachable. If not, please fix your page, and let me know the corrected address, latest by the end of this week.

Reading from textbook

Chapters 7 and 8.

For Java & Homepages

(Handouts + online material)

Explore the Java Reference Section and familiarize yourself with its structure.

Final revised version of Assignment 0 both as a soft copy and as a hardcopy

General Comments and Feedback is available online. Please check it first before preparing a revised version.


To be submitted on Wednesday at the beginning of the class.

Solutions will be posted after the class.

No more submissions are accepted after the class.