Dr. Jarallah Saleh AlGhamdi

College of Computer Sciences & Engineering

King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals

Contact Information

Phone (Off) +966-3-860-2140
Fax +966-3-860-2366
Email jaralla@kfupm.edu.sa
Address KFUPM, P.O.Box 1931, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia
Office Location Building 22, Room 354

Research  and Consultation Areas

Software Metrics

Software Architecture

eLearning Solutions

eGovernment Solutions

Selected Publications

AlGhamdi, J., Elish, M., and Ahemed , M. “A tool for measuring inheritance coupling in Object Oriented Systems”, Special issue of the Software Science Journal, October 2001

S. Junaidu and J. AlGhamdi , “Developing an Online Data Structures Course using Authorware”, USDLA Journal, October 2002

Paul Manuel, J. AlGhamdi, “A data-centric design for n-tier architecture”, Software Science Journal 2002

 S. Junaidu and J. Al-Ghamdi, “Tips for Developing Media-rich Online Courses”, USDLA Journal, September 2002

 R. Rufai, M. Bozygit, J. Alghamdi, and M. Ahmed. Multithreaded Paralellism with OpenMP, a chapter in Hardware/Software Support for Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing, 2003

 R. Rufai, M. Bozygit, J. Alghamdi, and M. Ahmed. Multithreaded Paralellism with OpenMP, Parallel Processing Letters (Special Edition), 2003

 AlGhamdi, J., Shafique, M., Al-Nasser, S., and Al-Zubaidi, T.,   “Measuring the Coupling of Procedural Programs”, Proceedings of the AICCSA Conference, June 2001

 R. Rufai, M. Bozygit, J. AlGhamdi and M. Ahmed, “Multithreaded Parallelism with OpenMP”, SPDSEC-PACT’02, Charlottesville, VA, Sept. 22-25, 2002

 R. Rufai, M. Ahmed and J. AlGhamdi. “Towards a Unified Software Component Representation”, Proc. SCI-2002, Orlando, FL, July 2002, Vol. I, pp. 146-150

AlGhamdi, J. and Saliu M., “Analysis and Theoretical Validation of Object Oriented Coupling Metrics”, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, February 2003
Ahmed, M., Rufai, R., AlGhamdi, J., and Khan, S.,  “Measuring Architectural Stability in Object Oriented Software”, UML' 03 Stability workshop
Saliu, M. O., Ahmed, M. A., and AlGhamdi, J., "Towards Adaptive Soft Computing Based Effort Prediction" the 19th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2004, March 14 -17, 2004, Nicosia, Cyprus
Saliu, M. O., Ahmed, M. A., and AlGhamdi, J., "Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Based Framework for Software Development Effort Prediction”, Information and Software Technology Journal

Selected Links in Software Metrics

Software Metrics Research Group

Software Engineering Conferences


Software Engineering Group (ESEG) of the University of Maryland
Software Life Cycle Empirical/Experience Database
The Data Analysis Center (DACS)
Software measurement LABORATORY
SPC-Metrics Information

Software Metrics Research Laboratory (SMRL)

Teaching in Year 2004-2005

ICS 519  Software Metrics