King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Department of Information and Computer Science

Second Semester 2005/2006 (052)

SWE 344 Internet Protocols and Client Server Programming (3 Credit Hours)

Syllabus (For Lecture and Lab)


Sec #




SM :    10:00 - 10:50 AM

S :   2:10 - 5:10 PM





Instructor : Bashir Mohammed Ghandi

Office Location:  22/124-6

Phone: 4016

Home Page:


Office hours:  SM  9:00 – 9:50 am; W  9:00 – 10:50am. 


Course Description

The course explores the development of TCP/IP applications and their associated protocols. It utilizes hands-on programming and makes use of network monitoring tools. It includes detailed coverage of TCP, UDP, HTTP, FTP, and SMTP protocols. Several Client/Server applications are developed using the Socket interface.  It also covers Remoting as an example of object-oriented distributed application framework.



Richard Blum, C# Network Programming. (Sybex 2002).



Good at programming using Java (or C++) by taking ICS201


Tentative Topics


Learning Objectives


Grading Policy


Lab Assignments:  18%   (About 10 Labs will be graded)

Lab Quizzes  6% x  2  = 12%


Term Project (Group of 2 to 3)

Proposal: 1%

Requirements & Design: 8%

Implementation: 12%

Presentation: 4%


Midterm Exam  (Wednesday, April 5, 2006, 7.00-9.00pm, 6-125)


Final Exam



Additional Notes

·         Attendance:

o        Attendance in both lectures and labs is mandatory

o        Attendance will be checked at the beginning of each class.

o        Each 2 late attendances will be considered as one absence.

o        An official excuse must be shown within one week of return to classes.

o        1% will be deducted for every two unexcused absences.

o        More than 5 absences will result in a DN grade.

·         Lab work: Lab assignments will be done in groups of 2 students, about 10 labs will be graded

·         Term project: form groups of two or three students, pick up a relevant client/server application and go through all different phases of software development; innovative ideas are highly encouraged. (more information about deliverables will be provided)

·         Lectures and labs are integrated and they complement each other.

·         Student collaboration and class participation are highly encouraged; Participation will be measured by in-class and out-class activities such as response to questions, sharing related electronic material and web sites, giving a lab presentation on a topic of interest, helping other students; other innovative ideas (bonus 5%).

·         WebCT will be the outside class communication environment for Course Notes and related resources, exchanging email, having private and public discussions, posting grades, etc. 

·         It is important to take notes during the class time.

·         Cheating will be severely penalized and reported to the department chairman.

·         No make-up of Labs, Quizzes, and Exams.

·         Students are responsible for all announcements made by the instructor.