Objectives of this lecture
What is Topological Sorting?
Implementation of topological ordering
Vertex toporder[MAXVERTEX];
/* DepthTopSort: generate depth-first topological ordering
Pre: G is a directed graph with no cycles implemented with a
contiguous list of vertices and linked adjacency lists.
Post: The function makes a depth-first traversal of G and generates
the resulting topological order in the array T.
Uses: RecDepthSort performs the recursive depth-first traversal.
void DepthTopSort(Graph *G, Toporder T)
Vertex v; /* next vertex whose successors are to be ordered */
int place; /* next position in the topological order to be filled */
for (v = 0; v < G->n; v++)
visited[v] = FALSE;
place = G->n - 1;
for (v = 0; v < G->n; v++)
if (!visited[v])
RecDepthSort(G, v, &place, T);
/* RecDepthSort: perform recursion for DepthTopSort.
Pre: v is a vertex of the graph G and place is the next location in the
topological order T to be determined (starting from the end of the
final ordered list).
Post: The procedure puts all the successors of/ v and finally/ v itself
into the topological order T in depth-first order.
Uses: Global array visited and RecDepthSort recursively.
void RecDepthSort(Graph *G, int v, int *place, Toporder T)
Vertex curvertex; /* vertex adjacent to v */
Edge *curedge; /* traverses list of vertices adjacent to v */
visited[v] = TRUE;
curedge = G->firstedge[v]; // Find the first vertex succeeding v.
while (curedge) {
curvertex = curedge->endpoint; //curvertex is adjacent to v.
if (!visited[curvertex])
RecDepthSort(G, curvertex, place, T); //Order the successors
curedge = curedge->nextedge; // Go on to the next immediate
T[*place] = v; /* Put v itself into the topological order. */
/* BreadthTopSort: generate breadth-first topological ordering
Pre: G is a directed graph with no cycles implemented with a
contiguous list of vertices and linked adjacency lists.
Post: The function makes a breadth-first traversal of G and generates
the resulting topological order in T.
Uses: Functions for processing queues.
void BreadthTopSort(Graph *G, Toporder T)
{ int predecessorcount[MAXVERTEX];
Queue Q; /* vertices ready to be placed into the order */
Vertex v; /* vertex currently being visited */
Vertex succ; /* one of the immediate successors of v */
Edge *curedge; /* traverses the adjacency list of v */
int place; /* next position in topological order */
/* Initialize all the predecessor counts to 0. */
for (v = 0; v < G->n; v++)
predecessorcount[v] = 0;
/* Increase the predecessor count for each vertex that is a successor. */
for (v = 0; v < G->n; v++)
for (curedge = G->firstedge[v]; curedge; curedge = curedge->nextedge)
/* Place all vertices with no predecessors into the queue. */
for (v = 0; v < G->n; v++)
if (predecessorcount[v] == 0)
Append(v, &Q);
/* Start the breadth-first traversal. */
place = -1;
while (!QueueEmpty(Q)) {
/* Visit v by placing it into the topological order. */
Serve(&v, &Q);
T[place] = v;
/* Traverse the list of immediate successors of v. */
for (curedge = G->firstedge[v]; curedge; curedge = curedge->nextedge) {
// Reduce the predecessor count for each immediate successor
succ = curedge->endpoint;
if (predecessorcount[succ] == 0)
// succ has no further predecessors, so it is ready to process.
Append(succ, &Q);