ICS – 201 SECTION 55 & 56
(992 Semester)
LAB #09 Dynamic Memory Allocation -Queue
Instructor: Bashir M. Ghandi
Learn how to allocate memory dynamically
using malloc()
the ADT-Queue using dynamic memory allocation
Problems with array implementation of ADTs?
· The problem with the array implementation of ADT is the fact that array must be declared with a fixed size at compilation. This leads to two possible problems:
· In this Lab we shall develop a better way of constructing ADTs that does not have these drawbacks
Using malloc to obtain memory at run-time.
Memory can be allocated dynamically (at run-time) using
the function malloc() – accessible through <stdlib.h>
· The allocation is made from a special memory area called the heap
· The function, malloc() returns a pointer (address) to the allocated storage.
· However, malloc() does not associate any type to the pointer it returns – it is said to be void.
· For the pointer to be useful, it must be associated with a type using casting.
e.g. int
int_ptr=(int *) malloc(2);
*int_ptr =17;
· The above statements reserve two bytes and returns the address of first byte, cast it to int and assigns it to integer pointer int_ptr.
· Since the bytes allocated to int is system-dependent, it is safer to use the function sizeof () to get the actual number of bytes associated with the particular type being considered.
· sizeof() is system-independent and can be used even with user-defined types.
· Thus, the above statements are better represented as follows:
int *int_ptr;
int_ptr=(int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
*int_ptr =17;
· Note that there is no name associated with the memory obtained by malloc. It can only be accessed as *int_ptr. It is sometimes called anonymous variable.
· Thus, should int_ptr be given another address, the location (returned by malloc) will be lost . It can neither be accessed by the program nor by the system. It is said to be a lost object.
· When we no longer need a dynamic variable, we can return the storage it occupies using the free() function.
· In this implementation, we think of a queue as a sequence of nodes with each node pointing to the next except the last which points to NULL. We also have two pointers, front and rear which points to the front and rear nodes respectively.
· The following diagram illustrates this idea.
· Initially, both front and rear are set to NULL, indicating that the queue is empty.
To add an element
we proceed as follows:
To remove an item
front the front:
See the files queue.h and queue.c which downloadable from my home page for details.
Programming Exercise:
1. The file queue.h contains the user-interface of queue implementation using dynamic memory allocation and the file queue.c contains the implementation details. The program lab9_1.c is a menu-driven program that tests the queue implementation. Copy the three files from my home page, study them to make sure you understand them, put the .C files in a project, build and test-run.
2. Notice that option 3 (Display the queue) in lab9_1.c is not implemented. Implement it adding the another function, Traverse, in the file queue.c that prints all the elements of the queue without changing the queue. Then modify the main program to make use of this function to print all elements of the queue –they should appear in order.
3. Introduce the following data types into the queue.h
char STRING[50];
struct { long int id_no;
STRING name;
float average;
Now change the ITEM_TYPE from int to STUDENT_REC.
Modify the program in (2) above to handle structures of type STUDENT_REC instead of integers. Note: You should make use of the functions: get_record, get_average, and print_record from the previous labs.
4. Modify the program in (3) above by introducing and implementing another menu option, “Print Vertically”, that prints all records in the queue in column format.
Home Work:
Implement ADT stack using dynamic memory allocation. Re-write the program in (4) above to handle stack instead of queue. Add an additional menu option that allows the stack to be created by reading the records of the file exams2.dat.