Lecture 1:  Introduction to Computing Systems


Course Objectives:

q       To motivate students about the exciting and fast evolving world of computing.

q       To introduce the fundamental principles and concepts of computing.

q       To survey important computer science concepts.

q       To expose the students to one particular high-level programming language, namely C and allow them master its syntax and semantics.

q       To promote good communication skills among programmers with emphasis on structured programming and documentation.


Major Areas of Computing

q       Algorithms and data structures

q       Programming languages

q       Computer architecture

q       Operating system

q       Numeric and symbolic processing

q       Databases

q       Software engineering

q       Artificial intelligence

q       Data communications

q       Human-computer interaction


Computer System: Main Components

A computer system is made up of two main entities: hardware and software .

q       Hardware: This is the physical entity of the computer consisting of all the electronic and mechanical components of the computer.

The hardware consists of three main components:

Ø      Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Ø      Memory

Ø      I/O Peripherals

q       Software: This is the non-physical entity of the computer which drives the hardware.

There are two main kinds of software:

Ø       System software

Ø       Application software


I/O `Peripherals' Devices

q       Computers normally require input data which they process and eventually producing an output.

q       How do we feed the input to the computer and how do we get the produced output? --- I/O  devices

q       There are many different media through which the computer performs input and output. Some of these are:


1. Keyboard

2. Printer

3. Mouse


5. Barcode scanner

6. Monitor

7. Speaker

8. Microphone

9. Diskettes





q       A major shortcoming of these I/O devices is that they are generally slow compared to the high speed at which CPU processes information.


Computer Memory

q       Why is memory needed? Because the CPU can process information much quicker than the I/O devices can supply it

q       Information from the peripherals is put in memory until all information for a particular program is available in the memory

q       The CPU then processes the data and returns the resulting information to the memory

q       The memory is an electronic system which can therefore supply the CPU with information at a suitably high rate

q       The memory is used to store programs (instructions to CPU) as well as data

q       Only one access to the memory can be in progress at any one time


The CPU: Basic Components/Functions

q       Main components

Ø      Control unit (CU)

Ø      Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)

Ø      Registers

q       Basic functions

Ø      Data transfer-this is the most important function taking about 95% of processor time

Ø      Arithmetic and logic operations

Ø      Decision-making operations



q       This is the center piece of the whole computer system which initiates all actions in the computer system.

q       Uses registers to store, temporarily, a number of words copied from memory. Why?

q       The CPU has an instruction register and data registers. Instructions forming a program are stored in adjacent locations in memory. Program Counter (PC) is a special-purpose register which hold the memory address of the next instruction to be fetched and executed by the CPU

q       Registers are used to provide fast access to data by the CPU. They, thus, help to increase the useful amount of work done by the CPU and minimise CPU idle time