Lecture 19:  Introduction to Linked lists


Objectives of this lecture

q       Learn the basic ideas about linked list and the nature of its structure.


What is a linked list?

q       Implementation of linked list is not part of the syllabus.  However, we need to have an idea about its structure to be able to understand the lectures on searching and sorting.

q       Thus, what follows is just an introduction.  You will implement its operations and learn more about it in ICS202.

q       Linked list, like stack and queue is a homogeneous liner list consisting of nodes in which each node is liked to the next.

q       However, unlike stack and queue, an item can be deleted at any location in the list, and an item can be added (inserted) at any location provided the order of the items in the list is maintained.

q       Thus, linked list is often referred to as key-ordered structure, whereas, stack and queue are referred to as time-ordered structures.  i.e., in queue and stack, the position of an item depends on the time it is added but in linked list, the poison of an item depends on the item itself.

q       The following figures shows the format of a linked list and how it behaves on insertion and deletion.


q       If p is inserted, the list becomes:

q       If n is deleted, the list becomes:


q       The following are declarations and function prototypes that are required for the implementation of linked list:


typedef struct node_type{   ITEM_TYPE item;

                                                   Struct node_type *next;

                                            } NODE_TYPE;




typedef enum {FALSE TRUE} BOOLEAN;


void create_list(LIST_TYPE *list);

BOOLEAN empty_list(LIST_TYPE *list);

BOOLEAN full_list(LIST_TYPE *list);

void traverse_list(LIST_TYPE *list);

insert(LIST_TYPE *list, ITEM_TYPE new_item);

delete(LIST_TYPE *list, ITEM_TYPE *old_item);


q       Note:  The function traverse_list is used to visit each node of the list to process it (say print it) without deleting it.  Its implementation is shown below:


void traverse_list(LIST_TYPE *list)

{  NODE_PTR temp_ptr;


   temp_ptr= *list;

   while (temp_ptr != NULL)

   {  process(temp_ptr->item);  /* this can be replaced by

     printf */


