ICS201, SECTION 52 (002
Project Document
Instructor: Bashir M. Ghandi
This project is about developing an interactive GUI
application for library management for a certain Computer club, which has a few
computer books that its members can borrow.
The data for the system is stored in two text files:
books.txt and members.txt.
books.txt has five columns separated by the ‘#’ character,
and representing the following:
each book has a unique identification number
author: name of the book author
title: title of the book
borrowed: the status of the book (0 for available
and 1 for borrowed)
borrower: If the book is borrowed, this should
contain the ID number of the member who borrowed the book, else, it should be
Muhammad#Programming Languages#0#none 990002#Usman
Mohammed#Java made Easy#1#6990239 990003#Usman
Yahaya#History of Computing#0#none |
members.txt has three columns separated by ‘#’ character, and
representing the following:
iDNumber: each club member has a unique
identification number
name: name of the member
numberOfBooks: the number of books borrowed by the
Hassam#1 9565247#Yakub
Umar#0 |
You are to write four java classes, namely; Book,
Member, Library and LibrarySystem as described below:
1. Book class: This should implements the Comparable interface and should have at
least the following fields, constructors and methods:
bookNumber of type String
author of type String
title of type String
borrowed of type boolean
borrower of type String
Two constructors to:
initialize a Book object
given all the instance variables
initialize a Book object
given only bookNumber, author and title (borrowed = false, borrower = “none”)
Methods to:
isBorrowed : returns true if
the book is borrowed
borrowBook : receives ID number and
assigns it to borrower field and change the borrowed field to true
returnBook :change borrower field to
“none” and borrowed to false
toString : returns the book as a
string in a form suitable for display on the screen :
“ booNumber Author
Title Available/Borrowed”
toString2: returns the book as a
string in a form suitable for printing to the books.txt file:
Muhammad#Programming Languages#0#none |
iDNumber of type String
name of type String
numberOfBooks of type int (number of
books borrowed by a member)
Two constructors to
initialize a Member object
given all the instance variables
initialize a Member object
given only iDNumber and name (numberOfBooks = 0)
Methods to
addBooks: takes a number and increase numberOfBooks by it
removeBooks: takes a number
and reduce numberOfBooks by it
toString: returns the member object
as a string in the form: “iDNumber
name numberOfBooks”
toString2: returns the member object
as a string in a form suitable for printing in the file, members.txt.
3. Library class: This should have at
least the following fields, constructors and methods
books : an array of Book
objects //assume a maximum of 20 books
members: an array of Member objects
// assume a maximum of 20 members
numberOfBooks : actual number of books in
the library
numberOfMembers: actual number of members
of the club
Constructors to:
initialize the instance
variables by reading data from two data files passed to it as String
Methods to
getBook : returns a book object
given its index
getMember: returns a member given its
isBorrowed : returns true if a book at
a given index is borrowed, false otherwise
addBook: adds a given Book object
at the next free slot in the books array
addMember: add a given Member object
at the next free slot in the members array
findBook: returns the index of a
book, given an a book number, -1 if the book does not exists.
findBook: returns the index of a
book, given a book object, -1 if the book does not exists.
findMember: returns the index a
member, given an ID number, -1 if the member does not exists
findMember: returns the index of a
member, given a Member object, -1 if the member does not exists.
removeMember: removes member from the
array and shift the rest of the members to occupy the slot left.
borrowBook: receives a Book object and
a Member object as parameters, find the location of the Book object from the
books array and calls its borrowBook method giving it the ID number of the
Member object as argument
Also find the location of the Member object from the
array members and increase its numberOfBooks by 1.
returnBook: reverse of borrowBook
listBooks: prints all the books on
the screen
ListMembers: prints all the members on
the screen
saveData: overwrites the content of
data files received as parameters with the content of the two arrays.
![]() |
Books Menu: This has
four options as shown above and they should function as follows:
Add new Book: This should display a dialog window
similar to the one on the right of the following table and allows the user to
add new book to the library. The
system should make sure that the ID number of the new book is not the same as
that of any of the existing books, else, the message on the right of the table
should be displayed.
![]() |
The remaining three options should display all
books, available books and borrowed books in a window similar to the following. In each of these options the list must be
sorted by book number before the display.
Adding a new member and removing an old member
should display dialog windows similar to the following:
![]() |
Again the system should not allow two members to
have the same ID number. If the user
enters an ID number that already exists, an appropriate error message should be
displayed in a window.
The display of all members is similar to display of
all books. The list should be sorted by
ID number.
Lone Menu: This allows for loaning and returning a book. These should display the following windows respectively:
![]() |
Loan should be allowed to take place only if all of
the following conditions are satisfied, else an appropriate error message
should be displayed.
ID number is for a valid member
book number is for a valid book (the book exists)
book is not already borrowed
member has not borrowed up to two books already.
Similarly, returning of a book should be allowed
only if both of the following conditions are true.
book number is for a valid book (the book exists)
book is currently borrowed
when the user attempts to close the program, the system should allow the user
to save changes by displaying the following window.
Points :