ICS201, SECTIONS 52 (002
LAB # 10: Automation of
Execution of Java Applications & Applets
Instructor: Bashir M. Ghandi
To gain experience with:
So far, we have been executing our Java application
in two ways:
Either by opening the source file from a Java editor
such as JCreator and using the execute button of the editor
Or by typing a command line at the DOS prompt.
Obviously both of these ways are not convenient for
the ordinary user. The first case
requires giving the source files to the user, which we may not wish to do. It also assumes that the user has a Java
editor. The second case is equally not
good enough since it assumes that the user must have some background on DOS,
which is most likely a wrong assumption.
To automatically execute a java application, we
create a batch file for it. A batch
file is a text file with extension .BAT, containing a sequence of DOS commands
– one command per line. Like .EXE
files, Batch files execute automatically when they are double-clicked. Thus to execute a Java application by mouse
click, we create a batch file containing the DOS commands that are required to
execute the Java application.
However, the DOS command required to execute a Java
application depends on whether the JDK tools folder (e.g. E:\JDK1.3\BIN) is in
the DOS PATH or not. As we learnt
earlier, the DOS PATH is a list of folders separated by semicolon that DOS
automatically searches when looking for an application to execute.
We can check if the JDK folder tools is in the DOS
PATH by typing SET at the DOS prompt.
IF the JDK tools folder is not in the PATH, then we
need to add it by editing the AUTOEXEC.BAT file add appending the following
command at the end of the file and reboot the computer:
If you are using Windows ME, you may not have the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file. In this case, you
need to create it and save it at the root of drive C. If you are using NT (or 2000) the you use the system icon from
the control panel to set the PATH environment variable.
Now assuming the JDK tools folder is in the DOS
PATH, then the following is an example of a batch file needed to execute a
compiled Java application named BooksDisplay.class
java -classpath .
BooksDisplay if errorlevel 1 pause |
The above must be named with .BAT extension
(e.g. BooksDisplay.bat) and saved in
the same folder as the corresponding class file. The pause will make the DOS window to remain open until a key is
If we wish to execute this file from another
location different from the location of the .class file, e.g. from the desktop,
then need to add commands to change directory on the location of the .class
file as follows.
E: cd \ics201\cs\labs\lab09 java -classpath .
BooksDisplay if errorlevel 1 pause |
Since this second version will always run
irrespective of where the batch file is stored, it is better
The dot “.” in the classpath option is directing the
interpreter to look for class files on the current folder. However, if your program uses user-defined
packages, then you must add the folder of the packages in the classpath.
E: cd \ics201\cs\labs\lab00 java -classpath
.;\ics201 cs.labs.lab00.TestPoint pause if errorlevel 1 pause |
The popular browsers, (Intenet Explorer and Netscape
Navigator) are equipped with Java 1.1 interpreter, as such they cannot execute
applets written using later version of Java such as the version 1.3 we are
To solve this problem, SUN provides a plug-in which
can be installed on a computer. The
plug-in is actually the interpreter for Java 1.3, thus if you install Java 1.3
on your computer you do not need the plug-in.
In addition to the plug-in, SUN also provides a
program called HTML converter, than can be used to convert your HTML file so
that they can be understood by the popular browsers. Actually the converter simply inserts code to direct the browsers
to use the interpreter in the plug-in instead of their own interpreter.
Java HTML converter is provided to you in the
ICS102. It is also available on my
computer (icswww) under the folder JavaResource. The name of the file is: Of course you can also get it directly from
SUN site. Unzip the file in a folder. (The
zip file will expand into a folder convert\classes).
The following lists the steps you need to follow to
convert your HTML file using the converter so that they can be understood by
Internet explorer and Netscape Navigator.
Locate the converter\classes directory.
Launch the HTML Converter by double-clicking a batch file named
HTMLConverter.BAT. This should display
the following:
Select files to convert
Choose "Browse..." to select the folder from a dialog box. Once you have selected a folder, you can choose specific files to be converted by specifying patterns to match in the "Matching File Names" box. You can use * as a wildcard. Each pattern must be separated by a comma. To convert all the matching files in nested subfolders, select "Include Subfolders".
Choose a backup folder
The default backup folder has the same name as the
folder that contains the source documents with _BAK appended to it.
If you want to select a different backup folder, type the new path in the "Backup Files to Folder" box or choose "Browse..." to select the new folder from a dialog box.
Choose a conversion template
A template file determines how the HTML of your file is altered to use Java Plug-in. If no template is chosen, a default template will be used. The default template will produce converted HTML files that will work with IE and Netscape.
If you want to use a different template, select it from the drop-down menu labeled "Template File"..
Convert the documents
Click the "Convert..." button to begin the conversion process. A dialog box will show the file being processed, the number of files processed, the number of applets found, and number of errors found.
Write a batch file to execute
one of your applications from previous lab.
Convert one of the
applets from the previous lab to work with Internet explorer/Netscape.